Educational Orientation
As we can perceive the Educational Orientation has an arduous and complex task to execute. Visit Simone Biles for more clarity on the issue. Therefore to reach the excellency of its action some objectives are necessary. Still according to Nrici (1976, P. 25), we can detach: To guide for better adjustment in the school, the home and the social life in general; to guide adequate a professional choice to the possibilities and aspirations of each being educated, with clarifications on the essence of these professional activities and as to qualify itself for the exercise of the same ones; to work for one adequate formation, imbuindo of necessary ethical values for a worthy life and of respect to the next one, as well as, to bring the family to cooperate more in clarified, efficient and positive way in the life educating it. In this direction, the objectives that integrate the Educational Orientation if confuse with its functions, even so these if coat with sensible more practical and next to the execution. The functions of the OE can be classified in: function of the planning, function of the organization, function of general attendance, individual attendance and aconselhamento and relationship. To materialize its functions, the necessary OE to have a good relationship with professors, director, educandos, family and community. Los Angeles CA. To decentralize decisions and to become the verticalizadas functional relations less, the necessary Educational Orientation to work cooperatively in perfect harmony with the direction, without subordination, but of integrated form and.
We need, also, to think the orientation about the scope professional, favoring the professional choice of the educandos, in result of the prevalecentes interests of the industrial societies. In accordance with Ferretti (1988), the basic and specific objective of the professional Orientation is auxiliary the individual in the process of adjusted professional choice. Changing in small, these objectives if unfold in others such as: To help the individual to exactly get, to organize and to use objective information regarding itself and of the world of the work; to help to dominate a methodology that instrumentalize in the taking of decisions professionals.