Columbia University in the City of New York

French Revolution History

Lukcs justifies its thesis of that the historical romance is born in the start of century XIX, at the moment of the fall of Napoleo. For it, French revolution and the Napoleonic wars constitute the bases of the social process in which the historical sensitivity was elaborated that if express in this type of narrative. In this context, the sprouting of the historical romance would have been propitiated for three basic factors: the historiografia of the illustration, which would have offered the ideological base for the preparation of the French Revolution; the English social romance – concrete and description? as one expression form and, as third factor, the proper French Revolution, that would have offered a new historical sensitivity, characterized for the fact of that each man if sees and if participant of present history feels. Making an analysis of the historical passage of the sort, Esteves (2008) observes despite only in century XIX it is that it had, in fact, separation between history and fiction. Synthetically, we can say that to history it fit to tell what really it happened, and to the literato, what could have happened? border that was not emphatically clarified nor lasting. Is attributed to it Sir Walter Scott the birth of the sort? for the publication of Ivanho, at the beginning of century XIX? the creation of the basic project of historical romance that obeyed the two basic principles: The first one of them is that the action occurs in a previous past to the gift of the writer, having as deep cloth of a rigorously reconstructed historical environment, where historical figures help to fix the time. … An important concern of the historical romance romantic age to obtain a balance between fancy and reality, where the inventive games of the writer, applied to the historical data produced compositions that offered the readers, at the same time illusion of realism and chance to escape of a not satisfactory reality. .

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