From The Life Of The Important Details: The History Of Home Security
My friends have things that make our daily lives, very deep roots. Scream of course, but the progenitors of the normal matches, which are "not child's play, in the early 19 th century were field disputes in Europe on the theme:" You what? invented? Do not lie, sir, we were first! ". Later, when mass production – controversy, of course, was settled. Take a look around. Every thing you see in your home, or in part, is history.
Discussed in this article will focus on an important, even very important things in bytu.O castle. The very meaning of the word castle, after all inconceivable interlacing of roots and interpretation, comes from the Latin word "slusa" – "strengthening the fort." Once, a friend of mine told me that the entire history of castles developed by hackers. It's ironic, but true! Locking Wizard new lock, time passed, some clever cracked it, and masters had to invent something new. And those castles that stand in your home – is also a link that's progress. Thus, all the same, rising from his feet in modern locks and who first had the idea to create a mechanical lock? It just so happened that most of the new products were invented in ancient Egypt or China.
Castle lucky. Its almost simultaneously invented in Egypt and in China about 4000 years ago. Filed under: Harold Ford Jr, New York City. According to historians – these two civilizations are not arguing over who invented the lock. They are then while only speculate about the existence of each other. However, these are the words of historians, not witnesses. Still need to make a correction. Four thousand years ago there was invented the first all-metal lock. It was preceded by wooden: bars, beam, mechanisms. These mechanisms were mounted vertically doorjamb. It is vertically to the moving pins under his weight fell into the same hole in the bolt. By this castle was a wooden choke wrench. Before the wooden castles, people have used, what do you think that? People used the old cables to lock the doors. They are tying the door with ropes woven from cane fiber. But it is still inconvenient. However, back to our metal. Who put his hands to develop security mechanisms? It is clear that now is not to say exactly in what sequence it was happening, but from the information that we managed to gather up a few, it was like this: first the system of fixed protrusions around the bolt started to use the Romans to a foreign key is not able to crank and open the lock. Later, the same system developed Englishmen, Germans and other Russian masters of forged powerful outboard, or "hanging", locks, cunning, they say, after locking the disappears. Since 19 century in the world are beginning to appear combination locks. First of all – for safes. Invented them come from Ohio, usa. And so, dear readers, Now you know how things were in the hardware world. Generally, it should be noted that the lock master, especially in the Middle Ages, enjoyed great respect. Therefore, we should respectfully treat those minor, but with heavy machinery, which are in the doors of our homes and are busy about our security.