85 Years Dusyma GmbH
Great games inventor competition with prizes worth a total of 8,000 before 85 began the success story of Dusyma GmbH. infinitely many products arising during this time and have accompanied generations of children in the large and growing up. To invent games and children’s eyes to laugh, it takes creativity in the first place. Children are naturally curious and full of ideas. You think of the craziest games, create sailboats from plastic boxes and develop new tricky rules. Dusyma gives the chance your game idea to present the large audience and perhaps to be rewarded with profits totalling 8,000 in all those little games inventors in the anniversary year. From May till including September, every month a group of kindergarten, a school class (up to 4th grade), a family with kindergarten children, and a family with school-aged children win a merchandise voucher worth 250.
In the anniversary month October, overall winner in the four groups of participants will be awarded from the month winners, the with be awarded a voucher to the value of 1000. An idea lives from their presentation. The beautiful, imaginative and more the development steps of games inventions are presented, the proposal is more comprehensible and appealing. Dusyma prompts for the participants to experiment with new ideas in the documentation and the children in the creation of photo reports, video documentaries, and and and to integrate. All winners and their games are published exclusively in the inventor’s Web blog on. Awards must be always transparent. Justice and the question of the why?”is incredibly important to children. Our jury evaluated the submissions according following criteria, which are also the basis of the decision, whether or not a games proposal in the range of Dusyma make it: innovation gameplay aesthetic educational benefit additional bonus: Kulturring support/documentation