African Agriculture
Southwestern State university of the Bahia UESB, 2007 For: Jose Carlos Oliveira Ribeiro Differentiation between agriculture peasant and familiar agriculture Throughout the time, the history of the diligent man of the agriculture, based on a ferrenha exploration, the same has changed the thought of these workers, searching of certain form to conquer the freedom inside and a space of the society, however wanting to resist the forces of that they are dominating. From these paradigms it was that it was born some movements of fight in defense of the appropriation and, over all, of the territorializao of a land piece stops of it surviving free of the domination. The text ' ' Future of the MPA' ' it left sufficiently clearly that the history of the peasants was not a history formed only in century XX, but yes a historical construction since feudal system where the sevos already they started to repudiate the impositions and looked you to live free. Of this form the peasants initiated its small farmings in other lands, to live free of the feudal domination you. With the end of the feudal system and the arrival of the capitalism, the man power left after of being explored by sevos for the escravizao of the indian and the African blacks the resistance of the indians, this mainly in Brazil country that more explored the man power enslaved. In the same way that the servants in the feudal system did not accept the impositions in a generalized manner. In the capitalist system since the period of the slavery of the black, the same ones already were organized in quilombos in the direction to try the life exempt to plant well in lands and producing far from you for its proper subsistence. .