China And India
TYPES OF BICYCLE A lot of people around the world uses the bicycle as a convenient (and sometimes primary) means of transportation. And if countries like China and India for this purpose are used the most simple bicycles in Europe can be used and the most modern (though no surprise, and ran on the road bike than a decade). Also, a bicycle – it's a great tool for relaxation and travel. And it can go as short trips out of town on weekends and on long-term autonomous transcontinental journeys. On the ground are almost no places where it had not rode a bicycle wheel. Also actively bike used in the sport. If the road races are widely used since the beginning of the XX century, some types of bicycles appeared little more than 20 years ago, but despite such a short history, they already have many supporters and fans, invented a variety of accessories for bicycles.
Road bikes road bikes are designed for rapid movement of high-quality asphalt. These bikes you can see during Olympics broadcasts or multi-day bicycle races, for example, the Tour de France. With their design optimizes performance characteristics of the bike. Thus, they are easy with a small base frame, tightly-pumped thin odnotrubkami wheels, for example, 700×22 mm, or with fine clincher (clincher – a special camera with a hubcap) (up to 700×28 mm) wheel with a difference ('rudder-horn'). Dl manufacture of frames, typically used carbon fiber, aluminum, titanium and various types of high-alloy steels (such as CrMo or magnesium). The design for road bike racing team recorded the ASE Regulation (Union Cicliste Internationale) in 1938, which only further adjusted, remained essentially the same. Used for these stars can have larger ratios are usually large chainring has 53 teeth, and lower back – 12. Weighing 9-10 kg a bike or even less. As a rule, such bike ride trained people, the newcomers may have trouble because of his toughness and agility (the perceived untrained person like instability).