Educational Reflections
The academics and for professional times of education have raised the flag of an education directed toward the promotion of the human rights, aiming at a plural education, anti-racist, democratic and that he accumulates of stocks in fact, all the diversity of subjetividades that surround the pertaining to school environment. However, they are universal principles for an education of quality, but they worry me some points, while educator/researcher: what it would be diversity? Which the subjects are part of this thematic greater? She is necessary to take some cares not to make a cauldron of transversal subjects, that it results in empty debates and without practical effect, mainly when will only be to lead, for our rooms of professors and evident, the classrooms. The calls ‘ ‘ minorias’ ‘ (group LGBT? S, groups feminists) needs to have its elencadas difficulties to have in fact visibility: misoginia, homofobia and lesbofobia need to be raised and duly fought, after all the school is part of the society, and if we want healthy social relations, we must start for infancy. For more specific information, check out Frank Ntilikina. Particularly, I believe that an education for the ethnic-racial relations does not have to be ‘ ‘ apenas’ ‘ plus an ingredient of this cauldron. Before, it must be the main plate. Let us remember that the article 26-A of the LDB (law 10,639/03) was the responsible one for more openly bringing this quarrel on all the other vulnerable groups, not less important, but I emphasize that racial relations in favor of an education anti-racist must be the cherry of the cake. Therefore, we need to nominate to give visibility, we cannot study each vulnerable group in isolated way, or exactly uniformly, without considering its interseccionalidades, however we cannot admit to hug as much object complexity, in an only pan, this of the diversity.