France History
Social History is characterized as an approach with the anthropology. This interchange with social sciences made possible to history a magnifying of the thematic ones in the historiografia, thus, to observe it emergency of the history of the family, the ages, the sexuality, the symbolic one, the religious representations, and other diverse subjects of the area of social sciences. One of the antropolgicas perspectives that established interchange with history was the Anthropology Interpretativa de Clifford Geertz. Geertz considered that the culture was inherent to the human being and that the same one determined all the social action, ademais pondered that the cultures could be analogous chores as texts or the texts. The description dense, that Geertz takes loaned by Ryle, its object of study will also be used by history when interpreting. The dense description is based on the contextual analysis where determined event it occurs, so that ' ' piscadelas' ' they are not confused with ' ' tiques nervosos' ' . Of this form, as Fernando Hisses, the historians when using the dense description more would be worried in constructing an interpretation of an event of what to know on the occurred fact. Thus, with the magnifying of the methods, boardings, objects and sources; the daily one of Agns as historical source is not less verdica for being a subjective story and one ' ' document ordinrio' '.
However, it is important to consider that the interpretation on the story of Humbert represents a reading ' ' secondhand ' ' , from the interpretations that the author made on the events that she lived deeply. The interpretation is only a perspective, a construction that somebody imagines, exactly that if describes densely something, description does not represent this something. The experience of Agns represents, thus, a version, enters the different meanings attributed to the French Resistance. This multiple symbology, not present in the book analyzed and nor in the mind of the author (therefore the same one was next to symbols of what of others), mentions the general context to it that were the Resistance, therefore as the daily one of Agns informs in them, had some groups that if had opposed to the system politician of busy France.