Leung Yee Tai
These actors normally had slight knowledge of martial arts, therefore they interpreted, many times, papers that represented lendrios heroes of the past. The opera teams travelled in red boats for all China. The performance of the actor Wong Wah Bo in the presentations left Leung Lan impressed Kwai, therefore they had started to practise together in the red rushes. Soon, Leung Lan Kwai was the responsible one for taking the style Fists of Wing Chun for the red boats. Wong Wah Bo was born in the village Gu Lao in 1790, in the district He Shan in Kuang Tung, starting to learn Kung Fu early, well before learning cantonesa opera. Michael J. Bender wanted to know more.
Wong represented the masculine warrior in the parts. It was the Society of the Keng Fah Wui Kwun that trained the artists of the opera and Wong Wah Bo was From there Itself Hing of this society. The members of this Society used the Red Rushes to present the spectacles for China. Of this form had had contact with some revolutionary movements anti-ching, starting to hide a private society with the time, called Red Flower, in the fight against the domain manchu to restore the dynasty Ming (1368? 1644). Leung Lan Kwai decided, then, to pass the style Wing Chun for Wong Wah Bo, that in 1819 already was a connoisseur in Wing Chun. The red rushes walked for flat and narrow water in period of estiagem, therefore the bastoneiros that pushed the boats used a long baton of bamboo. It had a young called bastoneiro Leung Yee Tai.
Leung Yee Tai age of humble family and suffered from asthma, therefore it was used as bastoneiro in the Red Rushes between 1816 and 1820. Later, in 1823, Leung Yee Tai started to take care of of the figurinos of the actors and started to know Wong Wah Bo better. Leung Yee Tai with the time From there learned the art of the paper of Fah Ming, one of the ten papers of the cantonesa opera, despertando the attention of Wong Wah Bo, that decided to have Yee Tai as disciple in Wing Chun.