Palliative Medicine
Certainly palliative medicine deals mainly of patients cancer but also cardiac patients are terminal, or kidney or lung to name a few. In truth we are all terminal. But she said the experience enabled us to note that physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, working with less anxiety, dis-nandose of contraidentificaciones with patients, better efficiency and processing with the emotional burden that they deposited on the staff. The patients had shorter hospitalization, marking a difference between patients who had therapeutic assistance and those not. This is important not only from an ethical perspective, in that it involves a reintegration of the patient to his beloved family setting, but also from the viewpoint of hospital management. It is in economic benefit to the institution. Emotional differences were observed quantitative and qualitative tween staff attended the focus group and those without. Benefited professionals and patients.
But despite the obvious advantages, the fear of change and above all prejudice towards a different task constantly conspire to make the same becomes generalized. The emotions that are unleashed on the staff of the health team for these tasks are not safe. May act through neuroendocrine traumatically, lowering the immune system, offering the body. It is widely coniocida the fall of T lymphocytes stress.La accioon the capacity to think is often obscured by the eviction of memory traces of the soul through flood unbound amount of energy and manifest as automatic anxiety. The inability to perform specific actions in line for the purposes required by the patient and the context, generates far from Take Care to continue operating conditions our occupation, we act self-and hetero-iatrogenic abodajes proposing inadequate, if not perverse . It generates a particular way of seudorrelacion the physician and the patient, who is the antithesis of love, understood as including the like.
In the present we are mainly active professional neglected and ignored, excluded and marginalized, exiles and expatriates. We are strangers and "give back." We are on the verge of intellectual genocide by omission. This is the field which often, and almost naively physicians facing us, and we fled. Fleeing the evitmos. By avoiding not appreciated. But it would still exist.