Transporting Gas
Before the fall in the activity, these adjustments of prices allow him to put together to the companies their financial results and thus to avoid to have to trim their personnel. The distributing gas companies are between the beneficiaries with the increases of tariffs. According to it had affirmed before the elections Alexander Critical Bianchi for of Argentina : the Government looks for that the increases in the gas ticket that authorized in order the past year to not complicate the legislative elections him of month end. In another one of its so many orders not written, it suggested the distributors to them of the sector who do not send the invoices that overcome between 8 and 28 of this month the residential clients of more consumption (R3). They are those that will pay more until a 400% than the past winter. The companies of the sector, recognized by it under the denounced thing by Bianchi.
But beyond it, the important thing for these companies is that the existing restrictions have been eliminated on the tariff increases and a new panorama is abre to future, with a government who without box, is lost good part of the power. One of the companies that will benefit with the increases, that were announced in August and November of 2008, but that has not taken shape until the moment exclusively by electoral questions, is Pampan Camuzzi Gas (MERV: CGPA), company controlled by Pampan Sodigas (86.09%), that is controlled as well by Camuzzi Argentina (56.91%) and by Sempra Energy (NYSE: To be) with 43.09% of the shareholding package. The authorization of the tariff increase for Camuzzi is to the company/signature in the General Secretariat of the Presidency. Transporting Gas of the South (MERV: TGSU; NYSE: TGS), is one of the companies that have already managed to benefit with the tariff increase. The company shows in addition a solid financial position and their papers have a high potential of growth reason why they are drawing attention of the investors. The increases of prices that the Argentine economy after 28-J is undergoing are a clear sample that the government is lost not only the political power but also the economic one. Of now in more, it will be not only forced to agree but that is to say to request aid. It will know how to do it?