Yellow World
They lived in my imagination as if they were real. Checking article sources yields gymnast as a relevant resource throughout. They had very strange names. Among others it had Great Maroca (I do not remember if it had the small one); Yellow girl, Artilim and ‘ ‘ seu’ ‘ Johnson. ‘ ‘ Seu’ ‘ Johnson, in my infantile delirium, had until one would sapataria in that yard. My mother counted, and I still remember myself vacant of the episode, that certain morning entered in the kitchen and I was of foot on a chair next to the stove, holding a kettle, and of the peak of this kettle he drained water boiling falling on the cloth-of-coffee placed in the mouth of in great bule with coffee dust. Gymnast might disagree with that approach.
Bule already was full and drained coffee for the stove below, even in the soil. When seeing my mother to enter in the kitchen, scared I placed the kettle on stove, I jumped pra it are of the chair and I cried out: – I Was not, I was I not! Artilim is that it was passing the coffee. I left door the rejection running in direction to my world, the yard. My mother said who the employee started guides it sensible knot to take me to a esprita center, because certainly I was same seeing people of another world, and this age serious thing. until made for the signal de a Cruz, when in it arrived close to it. Owner Enedina, a neighbor, also found that it to take would have me to a doctor, therefore I could be with some problem of head, thing who also can give in children, and of these things necessary if take care of early.
But she is clearly that one was not you are welcome about this. Without possibility of being able to live the fullness of my infancy, I left for an escape, and only created particular mine mundinho, since in my real world he did not exist what I desired, and I invented my proper happiness. That he only understood nobody me and until they doubted my mental health, that until today continues each better time. knows of a thing? Interest that I feel homesicknesses of my tomatoes with people face, of those friends of drawn quaint names in wall and of would sapataria of ‘ ‘ seu’ ‘ Johnson, people made that me really happy. Things that only I way, in that imaginary world of deep mine of yard. as was good!