State Teaching
To be teacher always was my dream. Thanks to God and my mother, I obtained to carry through it. I am a very happy teacher. Me I feel carried through yes, I love excessively. It is a personal and professional accomplishment, I feel as useful the people, carried through. Taste to be with the people, to feel me important while professional. (Teacher F). To be professor is without a doubt desgastante yes, but it is possible if to prevent and to prevent complications that possibly come to move away it from the classroom. In this direction the participation of the State becomes necessary, of the society and the educators, detaching the importance of the dialogue, in the search of concrete measures that have for purpose the valuation of the education, the teaching and mainly that it gives to the necessary conditions of work and human beings to these professionals. Conclusion When analyzing the questions brought in this article we perceive that to if dealing with quality of teaching life, it must be considered when evaluating the conditions of the professional exercise, all the elements that affect, directly or indirectly the health of the worker. It is important to think that the activity of work is strong on to the process of adoecimento of the workers, Valley to remember that the insatisfaes, constaints the one who are displayed throughout its professional history, are one of the reasons that come to cause some damages for its physical health and mental being that the teaching activity is demanded daily the physicist and the psychological one, in such a way it is clearly that the work conditions, the precarizao of I teach and the perception that the professor has on its reality professional, has direct relation with its health mental physics.