Land Education
In such a way, it is necessary, according to Freire (1996), to cultivate the hope, the allegiance to the nature human being, the critical conscience and the humildade. In this direction, many events had happened, evidencing the ambient questions, searching alternative to decide them, as well as sensetizing the human beings in relation its attitudes concerning the environment. The education always was, gift in these quarrels, having many representatives who had started to be part in the elaboration of educational proposals, as educator and citizen in search of better attitudes that result in quality of life and preservation of the planet Land. According to Sato (1997) ' ' The Ambient Education must be developed with the objectives of assisting the pupils to constitute a global conscience of the relative questions to the world so that they can assume position sharpened with the referring values to vida' '. Still the same author (1995) declares that: ' ' the environment cannot be considered as an object of each disciplines, isolated of other factors. ' ' It must be brought tona, as a dimension that supports all the activities and stimulates the physical aspects, biological, social and cultural of the beings humanos' '. Reigota (1995) confirms that, the challenge of the Ambient Education is to leave the naivety and the conservadorismo (biological and politician) the one that if he saw confined and to consider social alternatives, considering the complexity of the relations ambient human beings and. Mussis (1999) in them makes a questioning: What it is Ambient Education? It says despite any attempt of if defining, in few words, a complex thought as the Ambient Education, finishes becoming pobre' '. Grn (1996), says that ' ' An Education that is not ambient, cannot no way be considered Education ' ' our concern in developing this research is to take care of of the way, through the work of perception, art, ambient education and much sensitivity, waiting to obtain to arise emotions, intentions and wakening stimulatons for the readers of this research.