Columbia University in the City of New York

Santa Catherine

Although outside Christian bishop, Sinesio assures that the dreams come from the soul that contains the future in himself as much as the past being eternal as it is; through the reminiscence, conmina, we can arrive until the days of Scrates because each soul was there if she is eternal. Through the dreams it can anticipate the future where also it was before in the body that we bathed, we fed and we adorned in front of the mirror ignoring that all the utilera that we used is not more than our poor resources to mask the death waits for that it. The unique one ajuar that it would correspond to offer, it says Sinesio to him, it is the shroud, but is not either question to follow it exactly and to go dress with a vulgar shroud to the cinema and much less to commercial temple of shopping. Following Artemidoro in its Onirocritica the bishop analyzes the dreams guided by the medical semiologa: anamnesis, catapnesia and epicrisis the same steps that today we followed all the doctors when writing in clinical history. Being divine revelations the dreams need to be analyzed using of certain criteria; while they numen appears in the dream with his aspect and habitual attributes assure their good faith but any change or disguise must put to us suspicious: if, for example, it dreamed that Santa Catherine of Alexandria appeared to me in dreams in beach clothes and taking a Coca-Cola instead of to dress the Greek and stuck tnica to the wheel the martyrdom, must induce to me to distrust of the based message that gives to me. Obvious she is an indecent imposter and not it alejandrina santa who interfered in my rest deserved after the arduous daily work. The nclito Sinesio goes more far: it comes up to us warning to us that all dream must be interpreted based on the future and that often the God that animates (or santo, virgin to it or angel) pro appears solely pars toto through its attributes, that is to say, perhaps you will dream one of these nights about an iris that speaks to him. Sean Rad understood the implications. .

Homemade Exercises

To all we like the idea to make exercises homemade to go down of weight. This saves the time and the annoyance to go to the gymnasium, besides the money of the membership. For that reason it is necessary to know as they are the ejericios more effective than we can do in house and they will serve that us to lower of weight. The first exercise that I recommend is the one to raise and to lower stairs. It is a conventional exercise. All speak of their benefits. The problem is that many people do not have stairs in their house. In that case I recommend the second exercise to them.

The second exercise can replace first. Sports apparel wanted to know more. If it can do them both, is better. One is to jump the cord. Just as when eramos children, we must jump the cord to quermar greasy and improve our physical state. One few repetitions to the day will be enough. With time it can be increasing to the amount and intensity.

Both exercises require of much energy, for that reason you can feel that and is without breathing at moments. One does not worry, that means that he is working. Trote is my third recommended exercise. It is easier that first, but no it will burn equal amount to him of energy. Trote during 30 minutes to the day. But it has a good physical state it begins with less time and it increases as gains experience. The first days can be difficult, but it will only be enough to him of 3 to 4 sessions to be accustomed. As last exercise I recommend the dance to him. Not only he is effective but very funny. It selects a type of music that it requires of much movement on the other hand. The dancers do not suffer of overweight, you had noticed it? I have sight fat soccer players, beisbolistas or basketbolistas, but never a dancer. I assure to him that these simple exercises will help him to burn fats tremendously. In addition these simple homemade exercises to lower of weight will help to maintain physical a state him optimal. Intntelo, will not regret. For more information on exercises to lower of weight I recommend to him that it visits my Web site here. Original author and source of the article.

Transporting Gas

Before the fall in the activity, these adjustments of prices allow him to put together to the companies their financial results and thus to avoid to have to trim their personnel. The distributing gas companies are between the beneficiaries with the increases of tariffs. According to it had affirmed before the elections Alexander Critical Bianchi for of Argentina : the Government looks for that the increases in the gas ticket that authorized in order the past year to not complicate the legislative elections him of month end. In another one of its so many orders not written, it suggested the distributors to them of the sector who do not send the invoices that overcome between 8 and 28 of this month the residential clients of more consumption (R3). They are those that will pay more until a 400% than the past winter. The companies of the sector, recognized by it under the denounced thing by Bianchi.

But beyond it, the important thing for these companies is that the existing restrictions have been eliminated on the tariff increases and a new panorama is abre to future, with a government who without box, is lost good part of the power. One of the companies that will benefit with the increases, that were announced in August and November of 2008, but that has not taken shape until the moment exclusively by electoral questions, is Pampan Camuzzi Gas (MERV: CGPA), company controlled by Pampan Sodigas (86.09%), that is controlled as well by Camuzzi Argentina (56.91%) and by Sempra Energy (NYSE: To be) with 43.09% of the shareholding package. The authorization of the tariff increase for Camuzzi is to the company/signature in the General Secretariat of the Presidency. Transporting Gas of the South (MERV: TGSU; NYSE: TGS), is one of the companies that have already managed to benefit with the tariff increase. The company shows in addition a solid financial position and their papers have a high potential of growth reason why they are drawing attention of the investors. The increases of prices that the Argentine economy after 28-J is undergoing are a clear sample that the government is lost not only the political power but also the economic one. Of now in more, it will be not only forced to agree but that is to say to request aid. It will know how to do it?


It wishes all it in its life, can obtain it. You have all the power to obtain everything, absolutely everything, which wishes in its life and the life of which they are important for you. Visit Walmart for more clarity on the issue. A wise form to use that enormous one to be able, that you have in his interior, is determining goals for each one of the things that you wish to reach. The goals focus their enormous one to be able creative and they bring everything to him what you wish of form fast and easy. An established goal following the lineamientos appropriate will save long time, work, and suffering to him.

All the money that wishes, all the prosperity that it yearns for, all the happiness that deserves, all the success that the world demands to him, is hoping by you. Once you have his determined goals, it is necessary that she resorts to some tools that will make that their mind subconscious approach in which you wish. These tools will offer the tie point him, the bridge connector, between its present reality and the reality of its desires, their dreams. Tool 1: It writes his goals in portable cards: After to define its goals, must write them. You must read them every day, several times if it is possible.

A form easy to do this is to write its goals in small cards that you can take in his shirt, coat or wallet. Tool 2: It looks for photographies, videos, posters, etc. of what it wishes, and, puts those images where you work, where she rests, where she eats, etc. The idea is that you can see them all along. Ubquelos in key places: dining room, near their computer, in its bath, etc. Is creative. Tool 3: It creates his book of goals: a book of goals is a book, or notebook, or block of together leaves, where you write what you wish. It uses a page for each of his goals. It uses at least one image for each of his goals. Tool 4: It creates indicators for its goals: It determines as it will know that it has obtained his goals. When you see that their indicators show that it goes by the correct way will know that the things go well. When the indicators show the contario, it will be able correct course and to take another way or to correct present course that its life this taking. It is clear that before applying these tools, you must determine his goals. If you determine his goals following the suitable procedures, then their goals will be materialized of automatic form in their life. In the SECRET OF the POWER OF the GOALS, Andrew Corentt presents/displays the most powerful methods to determine goals that the world has known. These methods are so powerful that if you determine his goals, following them, everything what wishes it will arrive at you from so incredible forms, that it will seem as if you it would have used a magical power to create everything what wishes. If it wishes to obtain abundance of permanent form, if it wishes to achieve the success and the happiness that as much it yearns for, the impressive information and the powerful techniques of the SECRET OF the POWER OF the GOALS, will make of you the person who must be: a powerful, rich being and frees.

Divine Teacher

The way that leads to the glorification, that is to say, the long process that transforms the spiritual children of God into possessors of its eternal inheritance is initiated in the celestial home under the influence and direction of our parents ether to us, that is to say perfect father and mother, whose work and glory are to us other than the one to carry out the immortality and eternal life of each of its children, to see Moiss 1, versicle 39, as those who in the Earth, as their earthly parents, aspire to that their children can reach the majors development levels and, of being possible, reaching levels superiors to the conquered ones by its ancestors. It is in which we called the preexistence where our life begins and has been there where we have taken ours first decisions, some of which have been of tremendous relevance for our eternal progress Hago a stop in the way later to continue, looking for a little here, another little beyond, arming puzzle without form that everything can include. The truth is not a land that can be wire fenced, the eyes watch without seeing, the ears hear without listening, cannot be owned, do not have property title, like the air, is inhaled and exhala, vivifies, its essence on the inside is the freedom and there is no freedom without diversity, the diversity is the one that unites, as the hand of the Divine Teacher unites the sounds of each instrument, turning into sublime symphony the work to us of its creations, outside that queen the chaos, the raw material without organizing that it is put in our hands so that we pruned to play to create. Hugo W. Arostegui Original author and source of the article.

The Teacher

In fact, we have the obligation and the capacity to do it. On the contrary, the people who I know that they have dragged a lack of happiness during years, almost invariably have common that feels catched in a reality which they do not dare to leave by fear to the consequences. They do not realize on which the negative consequences are living already them, and are giving the back to a world of possibilities that are abren due to putting themselves in movement towards the change. A long time ago I read a pretty history that illustrates these possibilities of change. A monk zen arrived one night, with their teacher, to an old house in a mountain. The owner was very poor, and lived very miserably with his family, than he produced a starving cow. This was its unique possession, and source of income, they took care of reason why it with mimo, beaten to the idea that it was maintained what them afloat. In spite of its precarious one situation, was very hospitable with their guests, giving them shelter and food.

In the morning, the thanked for monk commented much with his teacher whom it would like to help this one poor people who had behaved so well with them. The teacher was in agreement with so noble feeling and he ordered to him to hurl over a cliff the cow of the family by the mountain. The monk obeyed horrified. Years later, the monk, already freed from his teacher, happened through the same zone. Still with remorse, he decided to approach the house with intention to correct his terrible action.

When arriving, almost he did not recognize the place. The garden was well-taken care of and the house was pretty and conserved very well. There were hens, ewes and cows in the ample adjacent space to the house.

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