Divine Teacher
The way that leads to the glorification, that is to say, the long process that transforms the spiritual children of God into possessors of its eternal inheritance is initiated in the celestial home under the influence and direction of our parents ether to us, that is to say perfect father and mother, whose work and glory are to us other than the one to carry out the immortality and eternal life of each of its children, to see Moiss 1, versicle 39, as those who in the Earth, as their earthly parents, aspire to that their children can reach the majors development levels and, of being possible, reaching levels superiors to the conquered ones by its ancestors. It is in which we called the preexistence where our life begins and has been there where we have taken ours first decisions, some of which have been of tremendous relevance for our eternal progress Hago a stop in the way later to continue, looking for a little here, another little beyond, arming puzzle without form that everything can include. The truth is not a land that can be wire fenced, the eyes watch without seeing, the ears hear without listening, cannot be owned, do not have property title, like the air, is inhaled and exhala, vivifies, its essence on the inside is the freedom and there is no freedom without diversity, the diversity is the one that unites, as the hand of the Divine Teacher unites the sounds of each instrument, turning into sublime symphony the work to us of its creations, outside that queen the chaos, the raw material without organizing that it is put in our hands so that we pruned to play to create. Hugo W. Arostegui Original author and source of the article.