Financing Compromises
The union in the above-named decree if compromises in financing physical adequacies and magnifying of the physical space of the units of education, with this to guarantee accessibility and inclusion of special carriers of necessities to regular public education. The Secretariat of Education is carrying through the implantation of professionalizing courses in the units of education to be offered in joint with regular education, as Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education? LDB Law n 9394 of 20 of December of 1996, art.40: The professional education will be developed in joint with regular education or for different strategies of continued education, in specialized institutions or the environment of work. It offers of articulated professional education with regular education depends on the physical adequacy of the units of education, from there the importance of a previous diagnosis accompaniment of the infrastructure of the units of education that must be adjusted each course to be offered. We can still detach the necessity that if has a land control of the units of education, leading in account all the aspects, such as; electric and hydraulical quality of the constructions, installations, installation against fire, quantitative of pupils for square meter, among others, as the foreseen one in law. To carry through accompaniment of the infrastructure of the Schools of the State Net of Education. To co-ordinate the fiscalization of the standard of quality of the installed pertaining to school constructions; To diagnosis the necessities of reform, magnifying, adequacy and construction of units of education; To identify to necessity of environment construction of support to the process teach-learning. To keep informed the sector of workmanship of the SEDUC-DAF, on the identified demands. .