Strengths targeted bundle, efficiently mitigate weaknesses the resources and potential for success a school can be first generally with the method of assess strengths / weaknesses analysis. The advanced SWOT analysis into account in addition to strengths (= ad) and weaknesses (weaknesses) occasions/chances (opportunities) and threats/risks (threats). On this broader basis can attempts be strategic thrusts for the school”to develop, which can be worn to the overview and coordination in a 4-fields-matrix. This is an axis for environment factors in a positively occupied field (= opportunities) and divided into a negative occupied field (= threats). An axis is analog for influencing factors in a positively occupied field (= ad) and divided into a negative occupied field (= weaknesses). The term SWOT then consists of the first letters of these 4 fields. In the box for the combination of strengths and opportunities to be thus registered like strategies, which used the strengths of the school, to take advantage of the opportunities.
In the box for the combination of strengths-threats, ST strategies are entered with which our own strengths will be used to ward off potential risks. In the box for the combination of weaknesses and opportunities, where strategies are entered by use of opportunities / opportunities to overcome the weaknesses of the school. WT strategies are entered in the field for the weakness-threat combination, should be mitigated the weaknesses and risks avoided. The SWOT analysis is completed, if appropriate strategies are included in each combo box. Target must be to support the natural strengths of the school and to mitigate potential weaknesses. It depends on finding suitable uses for the individual existing conditions and to implement. Own viable and consistently built/thought-out concepts not only with general rates, but with verifiable Data, to be able to underpin numerical results in detail, creates trust and proves competence (not least in the municipal decision makers).
As investors of the real estate fund successfully enforce damages for about 9,000 investors of the IVG real estate fund Euroselect 14 – “The Gherkin”, who must waive distributions for years, there is still no good news. You will receive no distributions also foreseeable. Investors are now faced with the question, to accept the loss, or their money to fight the chances are. There is a need for action that threatens the limitation of damages may already be at the end of 2012. quick action is therefore recommended.
More information about the limitation of claims by investors in closed-end funds: Office/news /… Good opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages why we come to this fundamentally optimistic assessment for the enforcement of claims for damages? For many clients who are involved in the ivg funds EuroSelect 14, we have reviewed the discussions and usually serious in our opinion Found error in the investment advice. They justify claims for compensation against the Adviser, Advisory banks and the founding shareholders of the Fund, which also are responsible for the wrong advice, according to a recent decision of the Federal Court of Justice. Totally inadequate education about risks from conversations with many investors we know that these were not informed about the risks, which are carried out in the current crisis of the Fund, by their advisors prior to the drawing of the Fund. Closed-end real estate funds are, as the Federal Court of Justice in its judgment to AZ. III ZR 249/09 formulated corporate investments that the risk as such, that capital at least for a part can be lost. This risk depends in its extent, inter alia by the equity / debt ratio, indicated the development of property prices and rental and valuation. The risks of involvement must form therefore an essential part of the consultation.
wisoak offers new IHK certificate course at Bremen. For the first time in Bremen, the wisoak offers the course of “Business management”. He closes with a certificate of industry and Commerce (IHK). Start date is the 4.4. business travel management, structured organizing of all processes related to the business trip, is not only an issue for large corporations. In particular small and medium-sized enterprises to realize significant savings in travel costs with simple means. Benefit: Attendees will be able to edit all the important stations of business travel process chain or carry out are after completion of this seminar.
Target group: The qualification is intended particularly to employees of small and medium-sized companies, which are entrusted with the organisation of business trips. Seminar: 96 hours start: 04.04.2011 end: 07.09.2011 place: Bertha-von-Suttner str. 17, 28207 Bremen dates and time: Mon 18:15 21:30 Mi 18:15 21:30 participation price: 720,-ERM. Participation Prize: 680,-contact person: Birgit Kracke Tel.: 0421 4499-933 press contact: Dr. Thomas Gebel wisoak – economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber gGmbH marketing and public relations manager Bertha-von-Suttner str. 17 28207 Bremen 0421 / 4499888