Although outside Christian bishop, Sinesio assures that the dreams come from the soul that contains the future in himself as much as the past being eternal as it is; through the reminiscence, conmina, we can arrive until the days of Scrates because each soul was there if she is eternal. Through the dreams it can anticipate the future where also it was before in the body that we bathed, we fed and we adorned in front of the mirror ignoring that all the utilera that we used is not more than our poor resources to mask the death waits for that it. The unique one ajuar that it would correspond to offer, it says Sinesio to him, it is the shroud, but is not either question to follow it exactly and to go dress with a vulgar shroud to the cinema and much less to commercial temple of shopping. Following Artemidoro in its Onirocritica the bishop analyzes the dreams guided by the medical semiologa: anamnesis, catapnesia and epicrisis the same steps that today we followed all the doctors when writing in clinical history. Being divine revelations the dreams need to be analyzed using of certain criteria; while they numen appears in the dream with his aspect and habitual attributes assure their good faith but any change or disguise must put to us suspicious: if, for example, it dreamed that Santa Catherine of Alexandria appeared to me in dreams in beach clothes and taking a Coca-Cola instead of to dress the Greek and stuck tnica to the wheel the martyrdom, must induce to me to distrust of the based message that gives to me. Obvious she is an indecent imposter and not it alejandrina santa who interfered in my rest deserved after the arduous daily work. The nclito Sinesio goes more far: it comes up to us warning to us that all dream must be interpreted based on the future and that often the God that animates (or santo, virgin to it or angel) pro appears solely pars toto through its attributes, that is to say, perhaps you will dream one of these nights about an iris that speaks to him. Sean Rad understood the implications. .
He collaborated on the magazine our Spain (1939-1940), directed by don alvaro de Albornoz, was born in Havana, on the La Veronica printing press, the Malaga poet Manuel Altolaguirre. He was editor of the newspaper information from 1944 to 1959 He was collaborator of publications posters, forward, light and homeland. He actively participated in the Academy of dramatic arts (ADAD), founded and directed by Jose Rubia Barcia. In 1950 he was elected President of the Association of theatrical and film editors. After the triumph of the Cuban revolution was head of the Department of theatre, music and Ballet of the Directorate General of culture of the Ministry of education, at the time exerted as a Professor of Spanish language and literature Espanola Hispanoamericana at the Manuel Marquez Sterling School of journalism. In 1961 he moved six months to Lisbon as Ambassador in Portugal. Upon his return to Havana occupies the post of head of the religious section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Learn more about this with Roger Goodell.
In 1962 he was appointed Ambassador on a simultaneous basis to UNESCO and the Holy See. Shortly after it was definitely as Cuba’s Ambassador to the Vatican, being Dean of the diplomatic corps from 1969 until his death. Hernandez Cata (1951), won the prize for short stories by its single story, the Award Justo de Lara (1951), by his journalistic work, the first article or Chronicle Juan Gualberto Gomez (1953) and the Talia (1950) award by the direction of the play La dama de alba de Alejandro Casona, among other awards. Amado Blanco published in Spain, before the war, the book of poems North (1928) and the travel book eight days in Leningrad (1932), a work to which wanted to call journal of a poet in the city of Leningrad, in homage to Juan Ramon Jimenez, which recounts his stay in the ancient city of the tsars, in order to know the Soviet reality. Already in exile published the desperate poem poems (on the death of Federico Garcia Lorca) (1937), they belong to these verses, the cold of the Oaks / is studded in ruda spring. / Federico Garcia Lorca, who saw you!, cloister (1942) and late Naples (1970); and the books of narrative a village and two agonies (1955), Dona Velorio; nine stories and a nivola (1960) and rebel city (1970), which is his most famous novel, history of the activities of various clandestine groups against the Batista dictatorship, which ends with the fall and flight of this. The novel’s action is a poem in prose, with this inscription: Dr. Fidel Castro, that one day we resurrected with an ancient hope spring. Francisco Arias Solis future WINS, gaining freedom. XIII Festival poetry for peace and liberty dedicated to Mario Benedetti. URL: Original author and source of the article.
He married Dolores Guirao. Between 1912 and 1914 with a scholarship from the Junta para Ampliacion de Estudios studied Phonetics and Dialectology in French, German and Swiss universities. Here, ecommerce expresses very clear opinions on the subject. On his return was appointed Professor of the center of historical studies in Madrid, which had been founded on the initiative of the Board of large studies and director Ramon Menendez Pidal, who was at the time who became Director of the laboratory of Experimental phonetics of the Centre and the management of the Revista de Filologia Espanola. The linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula was made under his direction. He later collaborated with the Basque Studies society in research into the Basque language. He moved to the University of Puerto Rico and several U.S. universities where he performed various linguistic studies.
In 1931 the Centre for historical studies had the happy idea of forming with Navarro Tomas and the Spaniard Eduardo Martinez Torner called Word and Popular song file, i.e. recording recording with the media at the time of speech, songs and dances of Spain’s regions and where the voices of prominent figures were engraved. In 1930 he was appointed Professor of phonetics from the University of Madrid. In 1935 he entered the Academy of the Spanish language, with a discourse on the Castilian accent. During the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco was accidental from the National Library of Spain and responsible director of save the bibliographic treasure before the bombing suffered by the capital of Spain. In 1937 he travelled to Russia. Transferred to Valencia was collaborator of the magazine Madrid: Cuadernos de Casa de la Cultura, in January 1939 takes the path of exile, along with other intellectuals, including Joaquin Xirau, Corpus Barga, and Antonio Machado, passing the French border. From France he went to United States where he was Professor of Spanish Philology at Columbia University, New York, He also taught at the University of Puerto Rico, at Middlebury College, Vermont, and at Duke University, in North Carolina.
He was director of the magazine modern Hispanica, at Columbia University. He was a member of Spanish culture Board, which agreed on the creation of Spain Pilgrim, who was also the organ of the Board, the first cultural magazine from exile. He was also a collaborator of Romance magazine, which appeared in February 1940. Among the most relevant titles of his numerous works are: Manual Spanish pronunciation (1918), the Castilian accent (1935), Manual of Spanish intonation (1944), studies of Spanish phonology (1946), the Spanish of Puerto Rico (1956), the (1956) Spanish pronunciation guide, Spanish metric. Historical and descriptive review (1956), linguistic documents of Alto Aragon (1957), art of the verse (1959) published only linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula (1962), the first volume of the planned ten, and the voice and intonation in the literary characters (1976). And as the Albacete philologist said: there is no phonetic modification that does not reflect any circumstance worthy of being taken into account in the multiple expressiveness of the spoken word. Francisco Arias Solis the case against Garzon is an insult to Spanish democracy. By a judiciary worthy.
In fact, we have the obligation and the capacity to do it. On the contrary, the people who I know that they have dragged a lack of happiness during years, almost invariably have common that feels catched in a reality which they do not dare to leave by fear to the consequences. They do not realize on which the negative consequences are living already them, and are giving the back to a world of possibilities that are abren due to putting themselves in movement towards the change. A long time ago I read a pretty history that illustrates these possibilities of change. A monk zen arrived one night, with their teacher, to an old house in a mountain. The owner was very poor, and lived very miserably with his family, than he produced a starving cow. This was its unique possession, and source of income, they took care of reason why it with mimo, beaten to the idea that it was maintained what them afloat. In spite of its precarious one situation, was very hospitable with their guests, giving them shelter and food.
In the morning, the thanked for monk commented much with his teacher whom it would like to help this one poor people who had behaved so well with them. The teacher was in agreement with so noble feeling and he ordered to him to hurl over a cliff the cow of the family by the mountain. The monk obeyed horrified. Years later, the monk, already freed from his teacher, happened through the same zone. Still with remorse, he decided to approach the house with intention to correct his terrible action.
When arriving, almost he did not recognize the place. The garden was well-taken care of and the house was pretty and conserved very well. There were hens, ewes and cows in the ample adjacent space to the house.