Got – a disease that needs treatment more serious than an extra day off. Flu for yuppies (historical reference) for the first time doctors have paid close attention to a strange illness in 1984. At one of several dozen resorts in the U.S. holidaymakers almost simultaneously began to complain of tiredness, depression, headaches pain and aching muscles and joints. To the surprise of doctors, these symptoms are not supplemented by a cough, fever or sore throat, refuting the version of the flu or sars. Therapist Paul Cheney systematized complaints of patients and found that the victims all worked for 14-16 hours a day, and for years did not take vacations. Filed under: bobby sharma bluestone equity.
The disease was called ‘yuppie flu to’, it was later adopted the name ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’. In 1988, the U.S. Center for Disease Control finally decided that the chronic fatigue syndrome independent disease. Today this syndrome is in most cases – the lot of the very people who work in the office, so got the name ‘office disease ‘. Fatigue or illness? In Russia, the office’s disease has declared itself not so long ago – market conditions, the constant stress and fear losing their jobs in a fiercely competitive until the end, we have felt much later Americans. Therefore, not only treatment, but even the diagnosis of this disease we have – it scantily and complex. You can go for years to his physician with symptoms of this mysterious illness and from time to time to receive the diagnosis of ari! Try to define yourself? ‘Office’s disease’: Fast tired lately.