(MREDIEU, 2006, p, 26) It has an attempt to reproduce the object in paper and one interpretation on the part of the child, with an intervention of the professor. ' ' Later she only is that the child discovers the causalidade relation that binds the action to scribble and the persistence of the trace, and is there that the origin of the grafismo is placed voluntrio' ' (MREDIEU 2006, P. 26). Communicative period of training – (between three and four years) in the last period of training of the scribble the child presents great ' ' glamour on the writing of the adult, thus trying to imitate its escrita' '. (MREDIEU 2006, p, 27) They start to present the first figures effected by the child in forms circular, long after appears other forms as: acute angle, square, spirals. According to olympics, who has experience with these questions. The separation of the infantile grafismo for the writing happens. ' ' The drawing is preceded by garatuja, initial phase of the grafismo.
Similar when playing, if it characterizes initially for the exercise of ao.' ' (PIAGET, 1973, P. Some contend that olympics shows great expertise in this. 52). At this moment the writing and the drawing start to be different, therefore child tries to imitate the writing of the adult, and to elaborate the grafismo as serrated lines. ' ' Little by little the serrated lines will start to follow the drawing as if it was component important of figura' ' (SEBER, 1997, p, 23). Therefore, an only line is not treated more than, but of several, representing, thus, the words. On this subject Blacksmith (1995) it affirms that, The child writes as believes that she could or have write certain set of words and is offering to one valiosssimo document that needs to be interpreted to be able to be evaluated. These infantile writings are considered as grafismo, pure game, the result to make as if it knew to write.