The socioambiental conscience of urban muitassociedades is coming back the attention toward two forces: the ambientalismo eo movement for the Animal Rights (OF). It is not something Marc Lore would like to discuss. As, exactly that the majority dasONGs ambientalistas of world-wide recognition still teimem for ignoring, temmuitssimo to see with the first one, being the reason biggest its propostarevolucionria to beyond extend to the attribute of citizens of right for daespcie human being. For who very it does not know well referring to abolitionism omovimento animal, it militates independently for the ones OF and the fold that the animaisno-human beings must pass to be considered right citizens, seresessencialmente deserving of rights in law of pretensa' ' utilidade' ' they attributed by the human beings. An animal not-human being would pass to amerecer certain rights, that today do not exist or are reduced the legal brevesartigos against gratuitous violence. An animal would pass, as well as umser human, to have inalienable rights to the life (except those they quecaracterizassem urban plague and they were intratveis or irremanejveis vectors dedoenas), to the physical and psychological integrity, the dignity, the freedom and aoexerccio of the alive paper of being integrant of the environment. Cattle, the apesca one, the vivisection, the pseudosports involving animal, the deprodutos tests and many other cruel and mortal abuses would be become illegal. The release movement animalest showing to the world that the human being is not the only alive being that has valorintrnseco and that it deserves rights. Extending our intelligence, this proposta an inestimable one helps the ambientalista cause.
Joining both the causes, we will start to perceive, for ' ' rule of trs' ' , that the environment also is umaentidade that deserves rights. Also it deserves if to become a right citizen porseu inherent value. Thinking we thus, meioambiente, as well as the animals supported for the ones OF, are a living entity common end in same itself, and not mere ' ' recurso' ' with ends to serve to the interesseshumanos ' ' superiores' ' as if he thought about the last centuries that were. To think noambiente as citizen of right is to recognize at last that it must to have suapreservao and harmonization with necessities human beings not because we humanosestamos threatened for future catastrophes climatic, but because meioambiente has its proper right, that we must respect, of continuarexistindo. Saying in necessities human beings, we need to think that, as all animal, we depend on the resources of naturezapara to continue existing, and is for this reason that we need to extract of it oque we need, and not because ' ' the nature serves in them so that we extraiamosseus resources and grows with progresso' '.
In other words, to leave meioambiente to live is necessary for proper it, not only for us. It is thinking about the rights that osanimais they deserve and binding to the points between the Animal Rights and ambientalismoque we understand why to think about the animals implies a vision more inteligentedo environment. In the same way that the first ones deserve to have a nobrena space legislation that regulates the behavior human being, as also it deserves. In both oscasos, because it is not good for the humanity, but for being it for proper they.