Erasmus Students
Correos has launched the parcel Erasmus initiative aimed at students. Among other measures, it offers free flights in exchange for shipments by this service. Postal has launched the parcel Erasmus initiative addressed to Spanish students who go to study abroad and foreign students who come to study to Spain and, among other measures, offering free flights in exchange for shipments by this service. Thus, in this campaign highlights the EMS Postal Expres international, which offers the possibility of sending urgent documents or objects to any destination and facilitates customer, as additional value, timely information about the status of your shipment. Source: CEO of e-commerce . In addition, the recruitment of this product offers the possibility of getting a free flight of round-trip to Europe every two shipments of this product perform the own student, a family member or a friend.
To do so, will have to fill the attached coupon in the brochures or download it in and seal it in one of the most 2,300 offices of the postal network. The promotion is valid until January 31, 2012 or until end of stock (25,000 units). To get directly to this collective, the postal company has distributed posters, brochures, murals sticky and slates on the campuses of several universities in Barcelona, Granada, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla and Valencia. ights. Also has agreed with the Instituto Cervantes delivery of brochures to students who come to Spain to pursue his studies.