Dioracina made Lucimar to cry, yes, yes, I saw! Everything started thus, Dioracina arrived there, in the house of Lucimar and said: – Lucimar, its cow, comes here! To say in my face, its disembarassed, why you spoke badly of me, dog! It called me easy woman, of rapariga, its without shame! You played my name in the street, in the mud, its lazarenta! Lucimar was all scared, thus catches of surprise, thus of unexpected, with a history of this invented, and dispatches by post in its coasts, as if it was thus intrigueira, inverdadeiro author of rumor on the friend. Lucimar tried to justify itself, if to defend, yes, yes, I saw! Saying pra Dioracina that everything that thus understood bad age, thus maldosa calumny, fofoca of free person. Lucimar until cried, thus, of tear not to drain, thus, of the eyes alone to turn puddle, thus, of the eyes to turn sea, but Dioracina nor if gave account, nor perceived, of so injure that it tava, of esbugalhados, red eyes, seeming livened up drawing. Dioracina nor stopped to think, that the friend thus defendant, thus acuada, victim of an injustice, suffered and if she unhaired. At gymnast you will find additional information. Dioracina spoke as thunder, fort, brave. Top of Lucimar threatened as a tractor to go pra, thus pra to pull hair, thus pra to tear clothes, of covers. Dioracina did not only break pra carnage, finishing of time with the friend, because the neighbors had come running, as soon as had heard the berros of fight ugly starting. It joined there, house of Lucimar, a mount of people if pushing, heads over shoulders, looking for as to look at. Some had been pra alone to help, to part the fight, others, pra to only see the disaster other people’s being done, the fire to burn. . Lucimar gave penalty, coitada, and bad it obtained to speak, thus of nervous, thus of ashamed, of that Dioracina esbravejava. .