General Director
a P. Why have not managed to achieve? a R. Because they are very recent and I'm still very hurt. a P. Is there any event that has influenced to do so? Or, not get it? R. There are always events that are just pretexts and justifications to do so or not. Interview num 2 P.
What is tua name, age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, children? a RFGV, 40 years, male, married, Engineer, in a multinational, daughter in the process (my wife is pregnant.) a P. How do you define yourself as a person? a R. I do it there are many things in short, I define myself as a worker, honest, faithful until I stop serloa I have patience but not fit. Positive, hedonistic life. Grumpy, picky. a P. How did you get that definition you've given? a R.
Spontaneously. a P. What is your role in the family and society? How do you learn? Who taught you those? a R. My role in family is fair with my partner. I have no role. I do not know how aprendidoa I guess so vivid in my nuclear family. I understand that it is, I do not think he has learned a role. My parents, both taught me to be. My role in society is none. Well, being a citizen more. This role I have taught my family, my teachers, friends, parejasa all those who have interacted during my maturation process.