Greek Values
It creates from a reflection on concepts already formulated and searched for other thinkers and theoreticians initially had preceded who it. Test of this is the systematization of the education of values, them had always existed, but they had only been recognized as science in century XX, as it affirms Spider Even so (1996, P. 118) recognition of the universe is so old the capacity of that the man has to think regarding its action, only in century XIX the theory appears of the values or axiollogy (of the Greek axios that means value) as it disciplines philosophical specifies that it approaches in systemize way this thematic one. The theoreticians agree that the new ideas appear from reworks of previous ideas. Click sports apparel to learn more. Therefore we could not discourse regarding the education of values without making a brief historical story of the education in general way, being distinguished is clearly the aspect of the education of values. The education this compromising to ethical values.
To educate is not only to inform, to transmit knowledge, but also to integrate educating in a culture with particular characteristics, as the language, the traditions, the beliefs and the styles of life of a society. (FAGUNDES, 2001, P. 17) When carrying through the historical survey, of the sprouting of all the educational process since the first civilizations, one observes the evolutions that each social group, in the scope of the education developed to take care of the effective necessities of the time, had been uncovered the most varied educational forms that had been being improved throughout the centuries in accord with the changes politics, economic, religious and moral that each civilization suffered and most impressive from these discoveries it was to perceive the influence that some peoples had on the customs, the culture and the form of education of others, in result of territorial invasions, conflicts and domnios common politicians, situations the time.