Historical Attractions
With the thematic parks and of attractions, in Spain, it has happened just like with many airports and stations of BIRD: all the mayors wanted one close and the industralists assured that they would attract million person, wealth and to many foreigners with the full portfolio. The reality, nevertheless, has prevailed only 16 years after it was inaugurated first of these complexes: nor they are a pole of tourist attraction in case single nor they are in its majority profitable. In order to afloat maintain the expensive projects of the great parks, Administrations and savings banks have injected money in models of business with an indefinite course. That a forwards complica flight in the heat of banking reorganization, since the organizations now too much are occupied being saved to themselves. " The problem of the amusement parks is that its plan of business, in origin, was too ambitious. The economic cycles did not consider. All the regions wanted one and, in addition, not always it had the best manager, but that one that the politician wanted tener" , it assures Antonio Lopez de Avila, director of the Executive Masters in Tourism Management of the IE Business School. Source of the news: : Attractions in free fall. .