HPC Conservation
Turbine steam turbine Leningrad Metal Plant (LMZ) PT-80/100-130/13 condensation with governing the selection of parameters and two-stage district heating production is intended for direct-drive generator. The turbine is single-shaft two-cylinder unit, consisting of HPC and LPC. Deaerirovanie feed water in the deaerator is operating at a pressure of 0.6 MPa. Steam consumption per unit at full load is 480 tons / hour Filling loss of condensate produced desalinated water coming from the HVO in the turbine condenser. At power installed a feed pump type PE 580-185/200-2. 4.PODGOTOVITELNYE work before the conservation work on the unit was developed, agreed and approved work program. Scrapbooks pipe samples c heating surfaces of boiler unit before its conservation have not been made.
Considering this factor, as well as properties to produce ODACON washing performance of deposits, the development program was made four stages conservation regime. Mounted metering pump with capacity of up to 30 l / h and pressure up to 10 bar. The metering pump membrane, the suction connected to the lower fitting plastic container V = 1,0 m3 emulsion ODACON, feed on the dosing pump was carried out on the feed pump suction line for dosing of hydrazine. The pump has a smooth adjustment of performance. Connect the pump-dispenser was made with flexible reinforced hoses.
Prior to the conservation of plant feed was tested emulsions ODACON. Noted that the dosing system is functioning properly and preservative ready for use. Workplace for laboratory analysis were prepared in him.laboratorii and with all the necessary him.reaktivami, him.posudoy and appliances. Pre-constructed calibration curve for determine the concentration of ODACON in accordance with the method. Works on CONSERVATION UNIT 80 MW. 5.1.Parametry unit prior to conservation: – load …………………………………. … 55Mvt. – Flow of feed water …………….. 300 t / h – temperature pit.vody ………………….. 240 0 C – the temperature of superheated steam ………