Image Purple
In this manner, the time of the advent understands four sundays. As well as in quaresma, also in the advent the Glory, that is a hymn that express great louvor the God, for Christ is not sung, in the Espirito Santo. Being the advent an expectation, open assembly time, of hope and, at the same time, of monitoring, the Mother Church in teaches ' to them; ' to keep the Glria' ' for the night of Christmas. When Jesus is born the Church all joins its voice the voice of the angels (Lc 2, 14). Many Parishes and communities, at this moment (I sing during it of the Glory) take the Image of the Boy Jesus, in procession until the prespio; but it has another alternative: Taking the image I sing during it of acclamation to the Evangelho. However, the first option seems us more adequate, therefore it makes a more direct souvenir I sing to it of the angels in the night of the first Christmas. During the sundays of the advent it reigns the purple color in the paramentos, towels etc.
The purple one remembers in them that we need to move of life, to prepare the heart to receive Boy-God who goes to be born. The purple one also wants to make to resound the call of Is Joo Baptist convoking all to the conversion (Lc 3, 3-6). As we can notice, the advent is a strong time of preparation and this means that it is a time that requires a deepening spiritual, is a time of dense espiritualidade that can it must be cultivated in personal, communitarian and familiar level. Then, as we all know the cycle of the Christmas is rich in symbols that can helping in them in the exercise of the espiritualidade at the same time, each one of the symbols has one meaning of felt spiritual.