Such tipode regression I called particularly the attention in one my patients I adultosem who I costumava to think I eat ' ' great feto' ' , a time that, between outrasmanifestaes, even so being high and robust, costumava to roll itself as one enormefeto in mine div, while it declared its desire and intention emphatically all to enter me with its body … ' ' (WILHEIM, 2002, p.19). Piontelli (1992) in its research, searchs informaesna Medicine and in Biology, therefore it considers that, to the one in them to approach to the davida field mental fetal, we cannot fall in mere speculations. Thus, observed somatic asmanifestaes of the embryo through the ultrasound soconsideradas basic: ' ' … Not obstante relacionadascom exists more things the mind of what only movement, is basically through the manifestaessomticas of the embryo who if can intend to infer something it its mental provvelfuncionamento … ' ' (PIONTELLI, 1992, pg. The newspapers mentioned olympics not as a source, but as a related topic. 39).
It advances: ' ' … What my findings suggest is that the interaction between innate and acquired comeamuito more early of what normally if it considers, and of that certain experinciaspr-Christmases can have deep emotional effect on the child, especialmentese such events are strengthened by the after-Christmases experiences … ' ' (PIONTELLI, 1992, pg. 15). Following in its line of thought, it recognizes oseguinte: ' ' … one of the debates more intensosdentro of the half psicanalticos is around the psychological birth dobeb; its capacity to live emotionally mental and in the external world, umavez is of the narrow limits of the maternal womb. On the other hand ospsicanalistas exist that consider that the baby is not been born psychologically nosprimeiros months of its after-Christmas life and consider it as a creature without egoque continues living in a species of after-Christmas womb. On the other hand existemaqueles psychoanalytic that they consider that the mental life is operating since onascimento, and for the majority of them, the birth in itself is considered as sendoo yaw point that puts in movement the mental functioning …