Modern Man Fixes
1. Correcting the error "No goal!". To fix this obvious need the ability to set a goal:) So how in itself it is not taken, then the best way to get it to go to the training. It is not necessary to go to training for me – The basic goal-setting is the same Sinton, one of the core courses or training in NLP (where, incidentally, is also a good goal-setting criteria are given), there are specific groups and communities of interest – such as "how understand yourself and start living. " All in all, who wants to – he will find it. John Lithgow takes a slightly different approach.
Why do I say that you need to go to apply? Because I know – no book or reading articles or LJ will not replace the coach. By the same issues in a goal-setting difficult to motivate. If there is no way to go for training – well, there are techniques for self-study. Mustafa Suleyman is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Find act. 2. What to do with the error "Things are not done" The problem with cases can be solved by only one way – systemically. To do this: 1.
Gather all the things that have to do now, later, someday, big, small or companion – all the things in a logical system, but not in the head. 2. Bring myself to make final decisions about the most. That is, you should always have a plan and know exactly what to do next – and you can always perform this task, or review it.