Newspapers Plain Text
Newspapers plain text Enter here For other uses, see Press. Newsboy, Paddington, London, February 2005. Newspaper vendors in Rio de Janeiro in 1899. Newsstand with an international section. The concept refers to newspapers printed publications that are differentiated according to their periodicity. This frequency can be daily (in which case is called daily, or more commonly newspaper), weekly (or weekly magazine), monthly (for many magazines) or annual (yearbook). Existed since the advent of printing, the first means of mass communication and journalism the original vehicles. Although the information is more prominent role, the periodical press has, like all media, the functions to inform, persuade, promote, shape opinion, educate and entertain (usually summarized in the triad inform, educate and entertain).Specifically, the paper is the journal that presents news (chronicles, reports) and opinion articles or literary. Unsigned articles are considered the opinion of the or (or orial). It also tends to provide diverse information to its readers, weather, stock, leisure or cultural (such as programming, film and theater), utilities (such as pharmacies on duty, transport timetables and routes or the like), and sometimes includes strips comic and various types of pastimes. The Sunday ions often include various types of supplements. Sometimes they include gifts or various types of trade promotions to encourage purchase.Several newspapers compete in different positions to defend public (political or ideological), whether you are the official organ of any political party (release party), or an organ of expression of an economic pressure group (employers, unions) or religious (Catholic Press ), as if they are considered independent. On the contrary, may be the only authoritative expression in a totalitarian regime. In almost all cases and to varying degrees, their income, besides the copy price they charge their readers and subscribers subscribing to receive the newspaper at home, are based on the placement of advertising. Some (free press), only for her. Are distributed and sold in kiosks and other places for it, sometimes it vocean or share of itinerant.The ability to receive live information, first through radio and television since the late twentieth century by Internet (online journalism) has finished removing the difference between the morning paper and the evening papers being sold by the morning and afternoon respectively. The papers are intended for general public, so their style is clear and concise and its content varied, but always divided into two general sections: information and opinion, divided into subsections: information national, international, local society, culture, science, health, economy, sports, calendar, announcements, etc., in the case of the opinion, in: orial, articles, letters to the or, columns, poems (taurine, film, television, sporting, theatrical, musical), features, humor, etc..Some newspapers are notorious for their acceptance of any particular section, whether that section is outstanding compared to other newspapers, or that it has any peculiar badge, for example, a newspaper in a publishing company can attract more newspapers more customers for its section on “classifieds” enjoys the reputation of being much more complete. Newspapers can be more focused on specific topics, for example, finance (business journals), politics, local information (local newspapers), events, social events (press the heart), etc., in which case speaking of journals. It is sometimes denoted by color: yellow journalism or tabloid press salmon or economic (for the color of paper they are printed some prestigious financial newspaper), newspaper or pink heart (which is about the life of famous people).The daily press is characterized by printing on cheap paper, unlike magazines, most illustrated in color and printed on better paper. The latter form of publication has experienced a great diversification that has allowed it to better resist competition from electronic media.