Olga Market
However, this task is feasible only with the involvement of professionals in the field information technology, as well as the most experienced staff of real estate for a really good decisions related to development of a unified system multilistingovoy. Potapov Sergey O. (General Manager of IP "Center", Nizhny Novgorod), told those present about the experiences of Realtors (Nizhny Novgorod) in EMLS and the uniform register of brokers, realtors made for RGR. Were representatives of an information system "Center" of Regions: – Smolensk – Dmitry Mokin (Real Estate Smolensk and Smolensk Region) – Bryansk – Shutyuk Anatoly (Real Estate Bryansk and Bryansk region) – Ivanovo – Cvidovsky Alex (Real Ivanovo and Ivanovo Oblast) Mokin Dmitry – Smolensk Shutyuk Anatoliy and Natasha, April Konstantin Svidovske Alex – Ivanovo experience and advice of representatives of regional IP "Center" were well-received, with realtors Ryazan. On the conference it was decided to create a unified system multilistingovuyu (EMLS) in Ryazan for real estate agencies are members of the ROP and the outcome document – the Conference resolution: Resolution on the results of the II Conference Realtors Ryazan I. Ryazan Chamber of real estate, as well as professional real estate market Ryazan favor the creation and development in a civilized market of real estate, creating a system professional standards, facilitate the provision of better public services for the upgrading of the estate. II.
Ryazan Chamber of real estate, as well as professional real estate market of Ryazan consider it necessary to create a single system multilistingovoy (EMLS) in Ryazan on the program "Center" (developed by Potapov SO – Nizhniy Novgorod), as the main tool of the system – a single database objects property and shall be based upon the rules of the common transactions that are intended to regulate the principles of joint agreements between agencies and will increase the number of such transactions. III. Ryazan Chamber of real estate, as well as professional real estate market Ryazan professed principle of transparency, is guided by equal partnership with leading print editions of the region, considering the various media – resources not only as a tool to increase sales, but also as a way to open dialogue between professionals of the real estate market with the society and government, and non- Use whatever you did not have prints of the principles of unfair competition. IV. Ryazan Chamber of real estate, as well as professional real estate market will continue to Ryazan to participate in work, contributing to stabilize the property market in the region, improve the standards of their activities, as well as to protect the legitimate interests of all participants in the real estate market – as a professional organizations, and consumers of services of these organizations. Shutyuk Anatoly and Nataliya – Bryansk, Posmitnogo Andrew Myskin Andrey Samokhin Alexander and Olga – Ryazan, April Konstantin – Moscow, Potapov Sergey O. – Nizhny Novgorod, Sitnikova Olga – Ryazan Svidovske Alex – Ivanovo, Mokin Dmitry – Smolensk Anatoly and Nataliya Shutyuk. Sources: Real Estate Bryansk – Bryansk server estate, Ryazan Chamber of Real Estate.