Portuguese Language
With modernity, family is not plus a seen institution as indissolvable, however it is necessary to the success of the same one that she has daily zeal in the relations between the people who inhabit the same ceiling. the best way of if fortifying this familiar relation is the love in all its extensions. As it writes Esdras Bentho Coast, ' ' God is who decided to create the family. This was formulated to be a center of communion and cooperation between the spouses. A nucleus by means of which the blessings would flow and if would spread on the land (Gn.
1.28). The child must feel itself loved and not mimada. The child must feel itself loved and not abandoning. Some parents arrive at the point to say: paid particular school for my son so that it is educated, therefore I do not have time. Then he goes there? who does not have time to educate a son, who does not make it, therefore from the moment that it was born, you father and mother is responsible for the moral, physical, intellectual formation and the spiritual of this being.
This is a case where it is not obtained to repass it outrem the due obligations. When the media exalta the attitude of some young ahead to the society, the responsible one for the formation of its character is the parents. Already, when the media places in prominence the aggressive attitudes and desrespeitosas of young it stops with the society, the school represented in the person of the professor almost starts to be responsible the direct one for the formation of that being, isentando that completely the responsibility of the parents. It arrives of hypocrisy. Already it is more than what in the hour of each one to assume its real responsibilities in the formation of the society. Jose Ingenieros argues the hypocrisy is the art to gag the dignity. It makes to emudecer the escrpulos in the men incapable to resist the temptation of the evil. It is lack of virtue to resign to the evil and of courage to assume its responsibility. Nobody can charge of the other what it does not make. Who does not educate and who does not instruct cannot wait to find in the society educated and instructed people. Parents and mothers educate its children, take care of of them, know to pass values of good moral and good customs. Professors make well its works, instruct its pupils. Parents and professors join themselves more in favor of a society educated instructed and who it knows thus, less violent. La Mattar Leister Bibliography BENTHO, Esdras Coast: The family in the Old Will? History and sociology. Rio De Janeiro: CPAD, 2006, P. 24. INGENIEROS, Jose. The mediocre man. Ed. 2005, p.75? Chain publishing company. Minidicionrio Houaiss of Portuguese language. /organized for the Institute Antonio Houaiss de Lexicogragia and Data base of Portuguese Language – 2004