Russian Learn
How could still learn a foreign word? I guess all the fans of language seek such a method in which the words would have remembered themselves. Someone hangs in all corners of the sheets of paper with foreign words, hoping that falling into constantly on the eyes, these words will be remembered by themselves, alas Others propose to establish a studied word association. Associations can be logical or absurd thing is that they caused bright and vivid images. Fancy relations between words make the image bright, emotionally colored. Thus, the main efforts are focused on creating structures and not on not on memorization.
This effect can be seen from personal experience. Such operations at first be difficult, exacerbated by the seeming contrived, frivolous. Many in the association to be uncomfortable because the surrounding listen attentively to their stupidity. In fact, your ability to write such "nonsense" judge of your non-standard mind. No need to understand it as the fulfillment of the order.
Better way: "I really want to learn the language. I will try to learn this language for life! My thinking is very deep! ". There are some phrases-orders it is better not to apply. If you want to learn some words, unrelated to each other, then you can write in the language a little funny story that combines all these words. Productivity memory depends on the time days. It is believed that the best way to digest information from 8 am to 12 pm, after dinner comes the slump, then productivity increases slowly up to 18 hours, and then again last fall and rise – from 20 to 22. Of course, all this is enough individually, so that they themselves find out where you can best be addressed, not to plug away at three o'clock on that at another time you can easily be learned in half an hour. It is believed that a peaceful sleep contributes to memorize, so learn a speech shortly before sleep then waking up, you will find that they are etched in the memory of a bright and clear. This has been verified confirmed by experiments. How often have to repeat memorized words? Some believe that more often, the better. In practice, few people engaged in this chore: that ass in the head after school, and so happy. Wrong and then another. Repeat must, but at regular intervals. Studying the first 3-4 thousand words, it is necessary repeat them to secure a long-term memory, and get rid perform its function of the structure. At first, the repetition should be organized as follows: the first time in 10-20 minutes. In this case, refer to either the Russian translation, or a foreign word, and play the entire structure. Comedian follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Then the first iteration is not needed. Immediately after 24 hours go to the second. Repeat steps for another day – after 24-30 hours. If you do not reproduce all the structures and the third times, then set them aside until the final reprise of the structures of the portions of words, which is carried out optimally in 2-3 months. Do not be scared of this term. You will be able to remember all the words, for example, after 2 years, even if during this period they will not come across! Learning the language, do not worry, that he forgets he disuse. The last really repetition is crucial. Because if you do not do that last 'chord', your whole work would be daunting done nothing. To avoid confusion, when it is necessary to repeat, will probably have to keep a diary.