Same Medicine
Did you say someone, the pills he had to try until he has given with one that sat him well?. Well actually that sent it was the same product with different presentation, i.e. the same dogs with various necklaces. Because what can be sent to a person having inflammation?, as you know, anti-inflammatory drugs are called b or c, there is no else you send! And in this state of things, does someone wondered by hypothetical advances in medicine? Anyone who passes by a clinic or hospital, you will notice that far from having increasingly less disease as you would expect because of these vaunted advances in medicine, increasingly there are more sick and which is becoming increasingly worse more diseases. Swami Sez may also support this cause. Another thing that worries me is the prevention of the disease, apparently passing through a medicalization of healthy people on the basis that you should prevent such or which disease just in case someday appears, that nor is safe to go to appear.
So especially elderly and middle-aged, who is inoculated fear of disease, are commanded to go to review every 4-6 months with the illusion that well going to protect everything. This that might be healthy, be You can convert into disease, when by chance they take you tension in the doctor and you’re nervous and altered by some circumstance in your life, and gives you the high voltage (most of times high stress is transient). Thereafter you are hypertensive and your destination is of course taking antihypertensive, you won’t have a heart attack, right? But even when I have to be taking the pills? Well look throughout your life. Because then come the contradictions of medicine that you have sent. Look at the progress of medicine in the prospectus of any antihypertensive (omit the mark): excessive diuresis, particularly in elderly people, can cause dehydration and reduce the volemia with circulatory collapse and possible vascular thrombosis and embolism.