In the United States and in his British homeland has become the raukehlige Shouter developed together with his fantastic, jury for many years backing band to a real live sensation. Whether as headliner or in support of soul and blues stars such as Aretha Franklin, Los Lonely Boys, Boz Scaggs or Van Morrison James Hunter band enthusiasts in recent years several hundred thousand spectators. The artist grew up in London to it but by no means always a show Hollywood Bowl-caliber “be. No, not at all. We just play everything: from the smallest basement Club to the biggest arenas. The Grimsby Town pursues this goal as well. Main thing”, so its live philosophy, the energy flows, that’s what matters.
Not on the size of the stage.” The best example of Groove presents the ex-secret once again with his latest CD the hard way ‘. ” The beginning of 2008 album promptly finished number one on the Billboard Blues charts; It features mature musically and stylistically variable Hunter & band. The soul firecrackers to Sam Cooke, Otis Redding or Ray Charles-style makes the white James Brown”included also ska (title track) and earthy Funk (No. smoke without fire” “). “We have gone deeper into our Groove, sound at the same time elegant and harder”, says James Hunter and says the same why: that it comes out when you play with the same people for nearly 20 years. ” No question, you can hear that especially live.
A show that is a true music connoisseurs not be missed. Mario Mendrzycki presents James Hunter Tue, may 05, 2009 Berlin / Columbia Club Wed, may 06, 2009 Frankfurt nightlife Fri, May 8th, 2009 Rottweil / Jazz Fest (Presale-start here: 16th of February 2009) sat, 09 May 2009 Cologne / Luxor Sun, may 10, 2009 Munich / 59:1 the pre-sale has begun. Tickets include the ticket hotline 01805 570 000 (EUR 0.14 / min may vary mobile rates) as well as eventim.
From 3 November, Paramount Pictures released home entertainment a motley range of new Blu-ray discs for every taste the days are slowly getting shorter and fits the season food get cozy movie nights correctly. People such as NBA would likely agree. Because a whole wave of new Blu-ray releases paramount home entertainment from November 3 brings brilliant colors in the homely living room. Not only the musical fairy tale “My Fair Lady” with pungent sharp images, but also action fans will get their money. With “The company”, “The Jack Ryan Collection” and “Beverly Hills Cop” there is pure and is of entertainment brilliant for hours. IN the cross-fire between MAFIA and FBI under directed by Sydney Pollack, the distinguished Harvard graduates Mitch plays Tom Cruise in the action thriller “The firm”. Already before his law examination of ambitious high-flyers receives some lucrative abroad from renowned law firms. This is his choice to the firm of Bendini, Lambert & Locke in Memphis, which seemingly very considered the private good of employees is.
But as some colleagues are found suddenly dead, the FBI stands in front of his door, and he learns from his mafia contacts, it gets to do Mitch with fear. The exciting thriller will be released on November 3 on Blu-ray. FEARLESS, sophisticated and tough not only Tom Clancy fans come with the Jack Ryan Collection fully at their own expense. With “Hunt for Red October”, “The cartel” and “The Patriot” the attractive Blu-ray box combines three dramatic thriller film of extravaganza. “Hunt for Red October” is the prelude. When shortly before the end of the cold war, the Soviet submarine “Red October” crossing the pond, all alarm bells are ringing at the American Government out of fear of a nuclear first strike. But the CIA agent Jack Ryan is convinced that the Commander of U-boot is a defector. Another highlight of the Steelbook is the thriller “The cartel”.