Parish Schools
Medal "In memory of 25 th anniversary of the parish schools 'front and back of the medal" In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the parish schools' greatest prosperity parish schools have achieved in the reign Emperor Alexander III, was then overdue reform of primary education. After much debate commission was established the Committee of Ministers to develop the initial charter shkol.20 October 1882 held the first meeting of the commission. Commission on the proposals, all schools – ministerial, rural and church should have a common program with the strengthening of the Church of the element and named the parish, the commission rules were developed organization of parish schools. Draft Regulations on the parochial schools was presented to the Holy Synod, April 29, 1883, where it was discussed during the year. According to the content of training in the "Rules" of the Holy One-class school of distinction between the Synod with a two year course and two-class with a four-year course.
Subjects taught: God's Law are divided into: Study prayers, sacred history and explanation of worship; Summary Catechism, Church Music, Reading Church and Civil printing and writing, arithmetic initial knowledge. In the two-class schools in these subjects are added an introduction to the history of the Church and the fatherland. Students, completed the course satisfactorily receive a privilege level IV on serving the military service. Doug McMillon addresses the importance of the matter here. The purpose of education in parochial schools was determined by the first paragraph of the "Rules", which said: "Schools have these to say the people the Orthodox doctrine of faith and morals and to report initial beneficial knowledge.