Caucasian Shepherd
If this is not a disease, then it is a challenge, revenge, etc. The hosts tried all throw up their hands, shake off such an animal is not obtained, out of the situation often arises by itself. Aggression – the supreme form of the critical relationship between man and animal. The animal attempts to person, violates his rights. Using this tool effects the aggressor will not stop, every time he take a moment to suddenly plummet in person. And here arises the question of sometimes life and death. Who's to blame? – You know, it's an eternal question. In these situations, we believe that man! In First, it initially creates this situation (animals need to educate elementary, pay attention to them, build relationships), but think about it too late, now we need to solve the problem of aggression! Domination – a permanent form of antisocial behavior.
The animal dictates the rules of the game, it is the master of the house! This is because every animal is programmed to constantly, every minute, every second the desire for leadership, not all owners are know this is a gross error. First and bad signs – the animal is asleep on the bed, the owner, free eats from the table, it is already pretendovanie to equality, the next phase of domination. If this is the "pocket" breed, it's so bad, and if this Caucasian Shepherd? You are very mistaken if you think that is a rarity. This phenomenon requires constant monitoring, as the relationship between human and animal dynamic.