State Insurance
We went down this path, which can be called ‘Family doctor system. ” There were cases that we have organized a team operating from different hospitals and the very special room for the operation under the guidance of professors – luminaries in their field. These services provide one simply can not state (for any money), and the hospital itself (either in all countries) can not provide those services for the provision of treatment, and will never offer the services of foreign experts from other centers of higher level. For example, we often have that surveying in one place, treat – in other dolechivaem – in our clinic and after the departure of the patient, sending him to drugs. Or take another example, the first stages of cancer patients chemotherapy goes here, and further – at home in their doctors have developed specifically for the patient’s professors recommended drug administration. This dramatically reduces the cost of treatment. Contract, payment for services, receipts payment, etc.
Everywhere in every country to be law-abiding citizen or a tourist, ie execute a transaction in compliance with all conditions under the law: to pay through cash formally registered establishments, including and health. with number of special medical business licenses. You do not need a mediator in the country, also increases the cost as an additional extra link. I sincerely hope that a prospective patient can find necessary intermediary company (if he is looking for a mediator) abroad for better medical services) with a good reputation with years of experience and the necessary permissions to raboty.Klyuchevym point should be the availability of health insurance along with conventional insurance in the healthcare organization or firm broker – medical center (I do not want to talk about companies mediators home patient simply intermediaries nemedikah). This guarantees that if an insured event, the aggrieved party could at least theoretically get kompensatsiyu.Strahovye firms are very demanding for registration insurance.
The presence of such insurance to some extent, is also a measure of the reputation of the medical institution. Example. 5-6 years ago we asked the husband of a woman who came to Israel from Ukraine in the treatment and went for two legs, and left in a wheelchair. The man asked for help to find and punish the doctor who made the woman crippled. We have found this doctor, who was a doctor of manual therapy without medical licenses, ie, This man is not passed State medical examination, and therefore could not have medical insurance. We turned to our lawyers (one of the largest Israeli defense lawyers for damage to health). It turned out the following. Request victim for compensation can not practically do for lack of a doctor’s grief health insurance. Details this case I can tell in a letter. The contract between the patient and medical organization. The patient is never put in the hospital for treatment without filing official papers pile, which will be signed by the patient. It should also be noted that a contract never completely still no ‘protected’, otherwise there would be many of the lawyers I hope this article will help the patient make the right decision about the treatment site.