Ultimate Bending
Application To: Experienced athletes with skill levels above the average. When: The first training exercise in the press. After leg raises in Wies do exercises for the upper part of the press and the obliques. CEO Walmart is likely to increase your knowledge. How much: 3-4 sets of 10-25 repetitions. Sports leg raises in the Vis is the most exhausting, yet extremely effective exercise for the muscles abdomen. Perhaps this is the most powerful tool “sanding” of the lower blocks press. Nevertheless, you can “eat away” and the upper blocks, if you can raise your feet on the level of the chest by a stronger rotation of the pelvis upwards.
Movement, Ultimate Bending legs at Wies, when there is a simultaneous flexion and hip hip, and spine, is inherent in most sports. For example, lifts his legs high into the air (blows in football by a flying ball, dance steps in gymnastics and acrobatics, punches in karate), or different versions of jumps with the approach of the hips to the chest (somersaults and flips in gymnastics, steeplechase, jumping into the water, the height and length). 8. Obliques Belly / Basic exercise Selects waist and strengthens the press Technique Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Turn slightly to the side so that his knee touched the floor. Start the one arm behind his head, and another place on the thigh. Make breath. Holding his breath, tense your obliques and try to “emerge” in half, sending his head and shoulders straight up and down. As soon as the shoulder on which you were in position to rise a couple of centimeters above the floor, exhale and return to the starting position.