Wild Pine Blacksmith
1. WILD PINE BLACKSMITH (1769-1846) ‘ ‘ The Law of just is the base of all the moral and all poltica’ ‘ (BLACKSMITH, 1834a: 1) In the scope of the taken inquiry the effect for the dissertao of mestrado, having itself commemorated in the year the 2000 fifth centenarian of the arrival of the Portuguese to Brazil; it was decided to homage a figure, considered for the effect, luso-Brazilian: Wild Pine Blacksmith (1769-1846), initiating itself, in this exactly year, the works in Portugal and Brazil, with the objectivo to base encetada the qualitative inquiry-share then and the respective conclusions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. The results had been stimulants. Because in that context it was not possible to deepen more the life, workmanship and thought of so distinct philosopher, juisconsult, professor and politician and considering that one illustrious and almost unknown personality, deserved a new work, was opted, responsibly, for continuing the inquiry complementing already the existing one, however, in a perspective of the formation for the citizenship, limiting it initially to the space luso-Brazilian, for being that one that one high number of falantes of Portuguese language congregates and Brazil one of the many Portuguese colnias, however, the first one to reach its autonomy. It is assumed, intentionally, in this work, the divulged parts of the inquiry already in the mestrado one and that here, more directamente, they value the reflection that will become on the philosophy for an education and formation of a new citizen luso-Brazilian who, will evolve for the citizen lusfono e, finally, for the universal citizen, of remaining portion, in the historical line of the propagation of the Portuguese man for the whole world.