The Foreign Language
The PCNs de Foreign Lngua for example, speaks of the importance of the learning of some languages, is instead of an only language, if to put in practises one politics of linguistic pluralism. The Foreign Language involves a complex process of reflection on social reality, economic politics and, with important intrinsic value in the qualification process that takes the release. Thus it is part of the construction of the citizenship. In the practical one, they do not leave the education of the grammar, and that they make the pupils to think: so that I learn this? The PCNs defends that when increasing the knowledge on language that the pupil constructed on its language materna, by means of comparisons with the foreign language in some levels is possible the perfect interaction between the LM and the LE thus the learning of a new language also improves the ability of the pupil in the language materna. But, the reality of classroom is well different. The pupils to each day that passes if become more disinterested for the English lessons, find them enfadonhas and some still risk to say that they do not obtain to understand the Portuguese, Materna Language, the more a foreign Language which they do not possess access. In Brazil for the most part of the Brazilian schools, the focus standard is the ability of reading, guided for the PCNs, what it does not completely exclude the exposition of the pupil the verbal understanding, however, does not imply in this enrollment. The biggest social applicability of the education of Foreign Language is to help the integral development of the letramento of the pupil; since the reading takes care of the necessities of the formal education and on the other hand are the ability that the pupil can use in its immediate social context. The reading has primordial function in the school and to learn to read in another language can collaborate in the performance of the pupil as reading in its Materna Language.