Did you know that dry ice (carbon dioxide, ordinary), can bring a lot of positive emotions in that case, if you know how to use them. 1. From the most ordinary soap can get a huge amount bubbles. And using dry ice, bubbles can be frozen and even hold in your hand. 2. Even with the help of dry ice can be arranged artillery firing range.
If you add dry ice in a plastic bottle with an ordinary water, and close the lid, the bottle will explode soon, making the very nonweak 'bubum'. The fact that evaporates, carbon dioxide is greatly increased in volume, which is why the pressure inside the sealed bottle will quickly grow. 3. For connoisseurs of beauty – small portions of dry ice is simply beautiful dissolve in water. Sometimes it's simply mesmerizing spectacle. And you can look at it very long.
4. If you think that carbon dioxide is used only for cooling ice cream – you are wrong. Company Inno3D cools personal computers with the help of dry ice! 5. Finally, a piece of dry ice can be a distraction to lure the mosquitoes – the insects will flock to him because Carbon dioxide is a product of respiration of all warm-blooded animals.
Tags: education
Posted in General | Adam November 19, 2013 | Comments Off on Nontrivial Use Of Dry Ice
There was a time when the school is your grown up son or daughter. Mixed feelings prevail in the soul of the parents. Everyone wants to baby started school life successfully. To do the selection for the school the child should advance. For all responsible parents should not be a secret, what schools are located in the district, region, city. You may also want to know what is the benefit of a school. And, of course, knowing the character and temperament, the makings and the ability of future student, you can even imagine what kind of school choice.
But the rush did not worth it. Parents are usually worried about a lot of questions: what programs, new technologies, copyright procedures working teachers of school, what sports clubs and circles are in school, some issues of psychological climate, etc. These things can be known before the beginning of the school year. Questions you write in a notebook select the time and visit the school to talk with the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. Better to do it in early spring, when school officials are already considering the basic questions of the organization of the future of the school year.
However, no wait a conversation with the head teacher for a long time. If you go to, for example, in late May, an administration does not always take the time to detail to answer all your questions for the simple reason that the end of school year students, teachers and administrators are very troublesome, "hot" time. This paperwork, and the annual display of grades, exams, and many other aspects of the annual school life. Most schools in the spring held a meeting for parents of future pupils of the school. At this meeting, too, can get a lot of necessary information for you. Learn about the meeting, please call the school.
Seems to be natural, but it has children that they are not displayed to these activities and fits the school, the function to develop them. The analysis consists of decomposing a word in parts and the synthesis is the opposite, part of pieces of the word for all. In this stage the grammatical rule of the syllables is not important, therefore the word is divided phonetic. These two activities, analysis and synthesis are complementary between itself. This methodology if becomes more efficient because she is synthetic. Through the process of the decoding, the pupil makes the analysis (to decompose) and the synthesis (to join). For example, the pupil decomposes the word in its lesser components until arriving at fonemas represented by the letters: the analysis.
In the same way, the pupil who is learning to read a necessary word to join the sounds: synthesis. This is synthetic education. Beyond synthetic, fnico education must be systematic and to obey the criteria. Criteria that give the sequncia of education. In first place it comes the vowels, later the continuous consonants (l, f, m, v, n). Later it comes consonants b, t, d, P. Aps initial and final s and r and follows with s and c in its diverse sounds. The consonantais dgrafos and meeting come finally together with the too much consonants.
2.Sntese In the program Alfa and Beto, the decoding is the chapter most important of all the alfabetizao process. Each lesson of the book explores two blocks of activities: the reading and some application of development of the specific abilities of the decoding. Each block of activities has a specific objective to be reached. The activities of fonmica conscience are deepened in agreement the sound of the letter studied in the day. The exercises include aliteraes, assonncias and constraint-languages and the professor uses its MCF (manual of conscience fonmica) whenever to need.