The boys learned to build pyramids on the long winding, zigzag lines. How much is happiness, admiration, adoration, pride in the successful versions of the buildings! The children have a desire to keep them longer, to show their peers, staff and parents. Colored pyramid design, we studied together. For example, I laid out the first row of white caps, Annie – second row – from red, Kate – third row – from blue. And above, in the same sequence, each worked with a different color. Simone Biles has many thoughts on the issue. This vertical striping colors, where each horizontal row was the same color. Then try alternating colors in a horizontal row, a white cover, green, white, etc. The result was a pyramid, which consisted of drawing the inclined-vertical white and green lines.
Later they began to vary in color. For example, two brown and two yellow, etc. Laid out four rows, then direction is shifted by one cover from left to right, even four rows up and then shifts direction from right to left and so on. The result of this pyramid with two-color zigzag vertical lines. And so way to vary the colors can be infinite.
The children began to spread around traffic jams and build a variety of sizes and color variations turrets. Then try to build a small pyramid and a circle began to call them "stars." Now the children feel these young artists. Some of the works we have photographed, and they are presented here in photographs. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Frank Worthington has to say. For the younger children the skills laid out from the covers much weaker, but the desire to play with them there. Use "dry aquarium", spread a simple planar images. A child who has learned to build a small pyramid with a base of eight covers, and very happy puts them in different colors. For athletic corner from us (with parents) made a "dry pool" cup and ball, there are drafts. Guys love to lay out the various buildings for the plot and roleplaying games. For example, "Rooms" on the carpet for the game "Family", fences, cages for animals in the "Zoo." Street, the entrances to houses, garages for cars in the games on traffic rules, etc. Some guys have the designers of the color caps came home and, on responses of parents who make children a constant desire to construct. Colored caps are a real passion for us! And watching the games of children with them, we can confidently say that this kind of activity helps to prepare children for school, developing mental processes, intelligence, and so needed in adult life.
Let's dwell on each of the three options for teaching children math in conjunction with physical education. We first consider the first option. There are many ways of filling the mathematical content of lessons in physical education. In During almost all athletic activities children encounter mathematical relations: it is necessary to compare the object size and shape or detect where the left side, and where the right, etc. Therefore, offering children a variety of exercise, you need not only to give them exercise, but also pay attention to different mathematical relationships. To do this exercise in the formulation to focus on specific words, to encourage children to use their in speech. Necessary to teach subjects to compare in magnitude (arc, balls, ribbons, etc.), encourage children to consider the motion during exercise, as well as propose to consider exercises to determine how many times he performed his or other child find items of this form.
We must encourage children to take into account the left and right sides of the body and offer to do the exercises is not modeled, but by oral instruction. You can create many jobs the complex nature of the solution for each pair of software problems (Mathematics – Training). In recent months, Marc Lore has been very successful. Tasks can vary in three ways: consider all the options exercise, according to the program, and and all the ways and means of implementation of mathematical tasks, to change equipment. Thus, in addition to the subjects that are commonly used during exercise, it is advisable using plane and solid geometric figures, numbers, numerical figures, cards depicting characteristic signs of the seasons or parts of days. To fill the physical education classes in mathematical content should be so formulated tasks for the athlete that they provide parallel solution of program objectives and for physical education, and mathematics. Here are some examples of complex tasks for exercises jumping and the formation of quantitative concepts: – jump on the right foot along the title number of subjects – to jump on two feet along such a large number of pins, which corresponds to a raised figure (a drawn number of objects on the card) – to jump on one (two) feet specified number of times – moving forward, make as many jumps as he heard the sounds (or how many times have jumped named child) – gymnastic jumping over a stick lying on the floor, called the color of the stick, which lies at a certain place on the account – doprygat on his right leg to the specified object in a row – jumping from hoop to hoop, to name some the account is a hoop of a certain color, etc.
When we talk about natural parenting we refer to the way in which living parents, the father and/or the mother and children. It is the proposal and cry decided to relate us escuhando our instincts and our children. And happens that this relationship begins to build from the womb, when we embarazamos us and already finding we initiate communication with the baby, I begin to tell you how important that is for us, the wonder of your presence. This baby comes to perceive through their first experiences of life, that the world is a safe place, which can research and learn from the safety of the protective arms of their parents. To carry out this form of relationship parent-child, of Natural aging, we have some tools, all them emerge from the conviction that to educate is to accompany growth processes respecting the pace and needs of each person involved: the respected labor, i.e. in an environment so that the mother to relax and can bring the world to your baby, which promotes the immediate contact of the mother with her newborn, this will generate a close link from the first moment. Breastfeeding, those moments of physical and emotional with your son or daughter contact, irreplaceable and filled with signals such as smile, the look, the caress nursing demand and wean until the boy or girl are ready to take that step, without forcing and respecting the rhythm of growth, that’s one of the premises of Natural parentingyou know that a human baby natural weaning age is estimated between 2 and a half and six years? Yes, six years! (and not six or four months as sadly promoted to do the marks of breastmilk substitutes) but the milk is no longer! You will hear say. Nothing further from the truth. The immune system of the human being becomes stronger and ends develop up to six years, so that the child receives mother’s necessary antibodies through their milk.
There was a time when the school is your grown up son or daughter. Mixed feelings prevail in the soul of the parents. Everyone wants to baby started school life successfully. To do the selection for the school the child should advance. For all responsible parents should not be a secret, what schools are located in the district, region, city. You may also want to know what is the benefit of a school. And, of course, knowing the character and temperament, the makings and the ability of future student, you can even imagine what kind of school choice.
But the rush did not worth it. Parents are usually worried about a lot of questions: what programs, new technologies, copyright procedures working teachers of school, what sports clubs and circles are in school, some issues of psychological climate, etc. These things can be known before the beginning of the school year. Questions you write in a notebook select the time and visit the school to talk with the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. Better to do it in early spring, when school officials are already considering the basic questions of the organization of the future of the school year.
However, no wait a conversation with the head teacher for a long time. If you go to, for example, in late May, an administration does not always take the time to detail to answer all your questions for the simple reason that the end of school year students, teachers and administrators are very troublesome, "hot" time. This paperwork, and the annual display of grades, exams, and many other aspects of the annual school life. Most schools in the spring held a meeting for parents of future pupils of the school. At this meeting, too, can get a lot of necessary information for you. Learn about the meeting, please call the school.