Prehistoric Life
It is in this same abstract universe that we find the explanations most reasonable for the understanding of the prehistoric world. The beliefs constitute the base of our life, the land on which happens. Because they place in them ahead of what it is the same reality. Harold Ford Jr might disagree with that approach. All our behavior, also the intellectual, depends on which is the system of our authentic beliefs. In them we live, we move ourselves and we are. Therefore we do not costumamos to have express conscience of them, we do not think them; they act latent, as implications of how much we make and we think. Frank Ntilikina recognizes the significance of this. Ortega Y Gasset? Ideas y creencias the citation the top is basically, a recital in which we analyze to have a bigger agreement on the daily life of the prehistoric world, logically that not yet we count on so modern technological methods stops in providing a trip to them to the time, but, in view of, the hypotheses on the existence of certain you practise ritualsticas, sacrifices and ceremonies of burials found through certain archaeological vestiges and also on a systematic study on primitive mythology, we notice clearly the great one all influences that the nature (the natural religion) with its mystery it sufficiently influenced the daily life of the existing tribes in this period.
The religion is a security necessity that the prehistoric man had to keep in its existence one meaning, a direction. That is, it is exactly for this aspect that, we also search to study the importance of the sprouting and the importance of the language in this process, that is, human being is not enough only the agreement to it, it also needs in explaining its reality, fact this that if all proves due the symbolism of mythology and found rupestres paintings through the archaeological vestiges. In a general way, almost all knowing human being is based on the belief.