Columbia University in the City of New York


The marital breakup, takes place in the form of a separation (of fact or legal) or a divorce, is a time of great change for the person. CESA coexistence with who, until then, had been the most important person in his life, and ahead is glimpsed a horizon full of unknowns and questions. No matter how strong or confident could be the person the consequences of it could be traumatic and painful, considerably undermining their self-esteem and confidence, making him feel that it has failed in the most important vital project which until then had been undertaken. The sadness after the separation or divorce is normal when the couple breaks up that (former) spouses pass through a stage of grief and despondency, whose duration will depend on the degree of deterioration that had reached their mutual situation, the possibilities of reconciliation (especially in the case of separations) or the feelings that both continue harboring each other. It is often estimated around one year prolongation of this period of depressive character. However, the drop in self-esteem is a parallel process and, somehow, independent of it, so it could take much longer, not to a remedy in time. The loss of self-esteem, how to fight it? The term self-esteem refers to how we feel about ourselves, both in relation to what we perceive as our great values and strengths and what we understand as defects and aspects that can be improved. This is influenced by other factors of intellectual or psychological nature both our physical plane (our appearance) (our intelligence, level of extraversion, way of being and security).

More positive always passes be considered in an objective and realistic way, and accept you yourself as you are, with your strengths and weaknesses. You should see you through the prism of your former partner, and get rid of that mode of any distortion which this might have caused. Try to restart your social life, dating new people and even exercise and lead a more healthy life are all factors that allow you to feel happier in this way every day, that trauma and unpleasantness of your break can pass to be a thing of the past.

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