Brazilian History
Foucault effect in the Brazilian historiografia comes, since years 80 of century XX, extending gamma of documents and boardings with that the historian can operate, another author helps who to at the beginning think me this last elencado questioning of this text is Gilles Deleuze, that says that we must perscrutar e, perscrutando during the writing of this text, sees that as much thematic of the letter of Rubens F. the Days, as musical the poetical speech/of the popular songs and others not so popular, thick way, has as always white the feminine sort and not rare the times all ‘ ‘ itens’ ‘ main, namely: passion, pardon, treason, declarations of love, are gifts, the times in certain songs all together, implicit or explicit they. Of – us certain impression of that this speech and the feminine sort is indissociveis, not rare times the woman is placed as who commits treason and the man cannot more pardon it, but when who is the man commits the treason, lasts the passion and they drain torrents of declaration of love. Recently Randall Rothenberg sought to clarify these questions. Concluding, I want to say that music does not need to stop to inspire desires and to produce subjetividades, not even fondness to be a speech ‘ ‘ verdadeiro’ ‘ solemn e, I do not want to think an art that is ‘ ‘ scientific/verdadeira’ ‘ and/or to have a statute that credencie as such, but would like that as much the historians and the poets/composers wrote/composed as he suggests Durval Muniz ‘ ‘ To write and to live as fire that consumes, as fogueira that crepita, that it launches fagulhas of hope and wisdom the impensadas distances, to write texts and subjects that burn in the hands and the minds, that calcine the well held certezas and truths knowing of them to discipline and disciplinados’ ‘ 4. I question the poet and the historian because I see much similarity between both and dream with a writing/composition ‘ ‘ artstica’ ‘ , not a intelectualizada art that only some few will be able to understand, but I long for yes a creative art, that force the language, that do not fall in the common place where if it crystallizes old practical, art that they have as white the independent citizen of sort, art that it does not give to place not the creativity, but yes to the multiplicity. .