Civil Code And Realtors
If someone from the customer someone cheat, realtors are like and do with it. " "In turn, notaries will execute the deal, they say, turn-key, including checking and legal purity apartment … To broaden your perception, visit Ed Bastian. " If the performance of the Minister of Justice are interested in innovation, the author's paper read with equal interest. 'One box '- this is not only an organ (as understood by the layman), the state registration and cadastral registration, it is also a body carrying out the preparation of legal documents. The author must be know that before signing the deal goes a long way citizen paperwork, such as preparation of documents for land plots. Imagine a notary public in the 'single window' – that you do not take interest presto the transaction amount for the preparation of the draft treaty and notarization of signatures – the most difficult part of the work – to prepare legal documents for real estate objects.
The author suggested that notaries is entitled to state registration of real estate transactions. In recent months, Josh Harris has been very successful. I think the author can not even imagine what it is – state registration of rights to immovable property, the legal regulation which is already defined in Civil Code (Article 131 paragraph 1), the Federal Law 122-FZ "On state registration of immovable property and transactions with them." Totally disagree with the conclusion that such a rosy outlook for the citizens are disadvantage for the Realtors. Such a gift I was expecting 20 years. At one point, and 'single window', and functions of state registration of real estate transactions, and the liability of the notary for all consequences. Which Realtor would oppose such a service? Another revelation is the author led to unexpected conclusions. According to the author 'realtor knows the coordinates of corrupt officials.
" The main specialization of real estate business – collection and sale information for a fee. The course of my thoughts clear enough? To enhance the festive feeling, the author shares with us the confidence that notaries will execute the transaction, which is called a 'turn key'. This perspective – a real feast for the Realtor, because notaries because of their employment, will not be able to provide citizens with additional information on selling commercial real estate, ie, compete with realtors. And here at the estate agent will be much less hassle. Article V. Kulikov gave me a good mood for the whole week.