Columbia University in the City of New York

Francisco Alves

Well, coming back the 1969, when the flight of urubu made success in the Maracan, in this exactly year the twisted one of the Flamengo made a parody of the samba-plot of the Willow (champion of this year), Bahia of All the Deuses, that sang in stadiums. There for as much, the flamenguista version said: ‘ ‘ I am urubu, but it does not make mal’ ‘. Also in this year, the cartunista Henfil gave life, humanizou and popularized of time urubu, in the Periodical of the Sports. According to Marcelo Migueres and Celso Unzelte, for two reasons. In first place, because mascote rubronegro then, the Popeye, was very americanizado. (In the truth, the Popeye was chosen by the Argentine cartunista Lorenzo Springs, in the decade of 1940, for being a sailor after all, Club of Regattas that, when ate spinach metaphor for the claw, it reverted impossible situations and one became imbatvel.) In according to place, because urubu translated the malandragem and the good mood of the Carioca. Fact is that the work of Henfil was basic to consecrate as mascote of the rubro-black, desbancando the Popeye for second plain (even so the sailor still is present in souvenirs).

, Mascote by the way official, with right the name and everything. In 2000, Samuca was baptized. In 2008, it moved for Uruba and it gained a youngling, the Urubinha. To lock up, it fulfills to remember that, much before the Flamengo, the Americans already had been called ‘ ‘ urubus of the Nova’ City; ‘ , there for the 1907 gone ones, when the uniform of America was black and its headquarters not yet were in the Tijuca. Sources: ALENCAR, Edigar of. The Carioca carnival through music. 5 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1985.

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